regomar wrote:Pipsissiwa wrote:
I've made several references to the fact that I am NOT mashing keys or typing fast. I thought I have described what I have been doing pretty clearly.
Your OP clearly states that you ARE frantically mashing keys.
Pipsissiwa wrote:this game doesn't seem to buffer many key presses, so pressing a button on the wall with the mouse and then frantically pressing the keys to turn, run forward 4 times, turn 180 degrees and step sideways twice, for example just doesn't work.
So don't get in a huff when people assume that when you say frantically you mean frantically.
You and the few others who have written about this 'problem' have all indicated that they feel there should be some kind of 'key buffering queue' clearly indicating that you feel the game should remember your key inputs when it simply does not work that way. Many people have tried to explain this at this point but you have made it crystal clear you have no intention of listening when you can whine and complain.
And then people told me to do it more slowly and I have acted on all the advice (and said so) and its not helping, which is WHY I'm still posting. I have made several update posts since the original post. I'd like key buffering (one move ahead would help a lot) but I understand perfectly well that this game doesn't work like that. The problem FOR ME still comes in part from knowing WHEN you can press the next key to move - too soon (before the party has 'settled' into the new position and nothing happens. Too late and you lose valuable time when doing complex timed movements. And sometimes even after a pause a movement key press doesn't work. Sometimes I am standing still and a movement key doesn't take. That isn't a question of understanding the pace of the game surely? Monsters are moving and half the time I don't. I said in my original post that it only becomes an issue in timed puzzles, but its there all the time. I'm listening to everyone. I'm trying EVERYTHING people have suggested. I still think its odd that turning the settings down makes no noticable difference to any aspect of performance EXCEPT that it takes my key presses slightly better. I thought that may be of interest to the devs.
Saying that I'm not listening because the suggestions given haven't helped is ridiculous and unfair, as is saying I don't have an issue because others don't have it. Many things COULD be causing the problem for me, from a bug to intended gameplay that I don't get on with. Personally, given how much I'm trying to get around it (from everyones advice) with minimal success, I more enclined to the first that the second.
Am I supposed to just shut up and go away after saying 'thank you that worked' to peoples advice whan it didn't work at all? As far as my experience is going, I'm still having an significant issue with how the game is responding TO ME on MY COMPUTER that I am entitled to ask about, regardless of other people claiming I don't have a problem.
(If I said all the graphics were all pink and stripey for me I expect I'd get help, even if noone else had the issue. I doubt I'd get flamed when peoples suggestions don't help. But this, because it
could be a bug on my install/machine resulting from the way the movement is designed I get flamed for still having issues. Telling me the problem doesn't exist or I misunderstand how movement works when for me the game cannot be acting as intended is unfair when I came for help, and I got fed up with it. To think I thought this forum would be more friendly than most due to the nature of the game. /SIGH)