This is the forum for helping you out if you're stuck or if you want to discuss the nitty gritty details of the dungeons within Mount Grimrock. Warning: forum contains spoilers!
DaveI wrote:Now this is something my old Macbook is definitely not up to even with lowest graphics settings. Will have to wait for another party whenever I get a newer machine.
Not to sound inflammatory, but since when are Macbooks looked at as gaming rigs?
They aren't. Never claimed the opposite. Nobody said you cannot play with 'em, though, especially not having anything better at hand.
Anyone remember what is behind the door? Coz, you know, I'm not sure I should continue after 45 attempts and over 2 hours at it. I don't think I'd be very happy if there's like.. one fire bomb behind there. I'm all for a challenge but when it requires me to buy a new laptop, it ceases to be fun (yes I'm on lowest graphics with light party, etc.).
I have been trying this thing for like half an hour, it was the last ones (that make you move 2 spaces 2 times). Out of curiosity I turned the graphics to minimum and did it right away.
Was there minutes ago. Drax is right about what things you find (see his spoiler).
I needed three runs to make it. In my opinion the trick is, that you can leave the field within the moment of the impact of the bolt. So you stop it but you save a millisecond to step to the next field.