This game needs more story?
Re: This game needs more story?
The original usage of the term "RPG" is not really relevant anymore. The modern industry usage is purely a description of certain game mechanics, and doesn't necessarily require having choice in your story, or even a story at all. RPG could stand for "ruminating precocious gazelles" for all it matters.
Re: This game needs more story?
That's great that you have an opinion. It's wrong and I've explained why. You don't make an argument by stating your opinion and then at the end of a tl;dr pretending it's become a fact.Shrugn wrote:my opinion
- Posts: 21
- Joined: Fri Apr 13, 2012 10:48 am
Re: This game needs more story?
I even refuse to call any Diablo title RPG, so maybe for you it doesn't matter. But for us roleplayers - who still play the pen&paper version - it does.Lmaoboat wrote:The original usage of the term "RPG" is not really relevant anymore. The modern industry usage is purely a description of certain game mechanics, and doesn't necessarily require having choice in your story, or even a story at all. RPG could stand for "ruminating precocious gazelles" for all it matters.

Re: This game needs more story?
Elitism again. It is an RPG, regardless if you like it or not. I don't like it either though.wickermoon wrote:I even refuse to call any Diablo title RPG, so maybe for you it doesn't matter. But for us roleplayers - who still play the pen&paper version - it does.Lmaoboat wrote:The original usage of the term "RPG" is not really relevant anymore. The modern industry usage is purely a description of certain game mechanics, and doesn't necessarily require having choice in your story, or even a story at all. RPG could stand for "ruminating precocious gazelles" for all it matters.
When I played pen and paper (I gave up before the 90s when I started gaming online) it wasn't so much about characters and the like, it was a dungeon crawl.. not everybody has the same experiences.
- Posts: 21
- Joined: Fri Apr 13, 2012 10:48 am
Re: This game needs more story?
If you did dungeon crawling while playing P&P then you'Ve missed out on about 80% of the fun of P&P. And in my opinion D&D and its like are not supposed to be played like that (even thought the newer iterations of D&D seem to point into that direction. A change I am not a fan of - and most D&D fans aren't either). They are called RPG because you can role-play your character, not because you've got character levels, slay some random monsters and get neat inventory items like the "Vorpal Skullcrusher Waraxe +4 of Ogre Slaying". Yeah, I know that the acronym RPG is used for character level system games, but that doesn't make sense, nor do I have to agree with it. Call it elitism, if you like. I don't care. If so then I'm proud to be an elitist, for realizing the meaning behind an acronym and the ability to distinguish between an RPG and a dungeon crawler. I cringed the first time I heard Diablo and RPG in the same sentence. I could live with the word Action RPG, taking it a bit away from the RPG genre, but to suggest that Tales of Arcania/Das schwarze Auge, Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights are the same type of games as Diablo I, II or III is blatant ignorance. The only common thing between those games is character levels.Halk wrote:Elitism again. It is an RPG, regardless if you like it or not. I don't like it either though.wickermoon wrote:I even refuse to call any Diablo title RPG, so maybe for you it doesn't matter. But for us roleplayers - who still play the pen&paper version - it does.Lmaoboat wrote:The original usage of the term "RPG" is not really relevant anymore. The modern industry usage is purely a description of certain game mechanics, and doesn't necessarily require having choice in your story, or even a story at all. RPG could stand for "ruminating precocious gazelles" for all it matters.
When I played pen and paper (I gave up before the 90s when I started gaming online) it wasn't so much about characters and the like, it was a dungeon crawl.. not everybody has the same experiences.
Re: This game needs more story?
In Diablo you play the role of either warrior, sorcerer or rouge trying to save Tristam.wickermoon wrote:If you did dungeon crawling while playing P&P then you'Ve missed out on about 80% of the fun of P&P. And in my opinion D&D and its like are not supposed to be played like that (even thought the newer iterations of D&D seem to point into that direction. A change I am not a fan of - and most D&D fans aren't either). They are called RPG because you can role-play your character, not because you've got character levels, slay some random monsters and get neat inventory items like the "Vorpal Skullcrusher Waraxe +4 of Ogre Slaying". Yeah, I know that the acronym RPG is used for character level system games, but that doesn't make sense, nor do I have to agree with it. Call it elitism, if you like. I don't care. If so then I'm proud to be an elitist, for realizing the meaning behind an acronym and the ability to distinguish between an RPG and a dungeon crawler. I cringed the first time I heard Diablo and RPG in the same sentence. I could live with the word Action RPG, taking it a bit away from the RPG genre, but to suggest that Tales of Arcania/Das schwarze Auge, Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights are the same type of games as Diablo I, II or III is blatant ignorance. The only common thing between those games is character levels.Halk wrote:Elitism again. It is an RPG, regardless if you like it or not. I don't like it either though.wickermoon wrote:
I even refuse to call any Diablo title RPG, so maybe for you it doesn't matter. But for us roleplayers - who still play the pen&paper version - it does.
When I played pen and paper (I gave up before the 90s when I started gaming online) it wasn't so much about characters and the like, it was a dungeon crawl.. not everybody has the same experiences.
So if you cannot throw magic fireballs at enemy's in real life, then you are technically playing a role in a game.
Not the role I would like to have maybe, but "a" role.
Re: This game needs more story?
Warning, personal opinion ahead
I don't think Grimrock would really benefit from an expansive backstory of the Northern Realms - I'm spending all my time inside a dungeon and won't see any of the outside world, it is effectively meaningless to me and my characters what Is going on outside of their prison. If they ever decide to expand on the game and add different areas you can visit then this would be different, of course!
However, it would've been nice to find more flavour notes and messages from past prisoners (or the creators of the dungeon). I collected all of Toorum's notes, and while they weren't especially long or very special, I found it genuinely intersting to see what he had to say about the dungeon and it really added to the atmosphere.
Spoiler - don't read if you haven't completed the game yet!
I don't think Grimrock would really benefit from an expansive backstory of the Northern Realms - I'm spending all my time inside a dungeon and won't see any of the outside world, it is effectively meaningless to me and my characters what Is going on outside of their prison. If they ever decide to expand on the game and add different areas you can visit then this would be different, of course!
However, it would've been nice to find more flavour notes and messages from past prisoners (or the creators of the dungeon). I collected all of Toorum's notes, and while they weren't especially long or very special, I found it genuinely intersting to see what he had to say about the dungeon and it really added to the atmosphere.
Spoiler - don't read if you haven't completed the game yet!
I was also hoping to find out more about the Undying One and the people who built it's prsion (and maybe the Mindflayers/Cthulhu-guys, those always fascinate me).
"Oh what secrets we could tell if you'd listen and be still
Rid the stink and the noise from our skirts
But you haven't got the clue and perhaps you never will
Mute we stand on the cold plains of Wiltshire "
Rid the stink and the noise from our skirts
But you haven't got the clue and perhaps you never will
Mute we stand on the cold plains of Wiltshire "
Re: This game needs more story?
Neil79 wrote:This is a great game there is no doubt about it but there seems to be something missing, it doesn't seem to have the soul of other dungeon crawlers... What I mean is for example in lands of lore you meet new characters along the way and there is a bit more to the story it has more life, the same with eye of the beholder you sometimes might meet another character trapped below. But so far there isn't any of that in grimrock.
I'm hopeing that the modders will add this in or even a bit of an expansion to the game, as i said a great game but it's missing something...
You meet other characters below, they just happen to be strong enemies that want to hurt you.
As I have been playing LOG I noticed things here and there and said to myself, why is there no select area body damage when hit by an enemy or falling and remembered this is not Dungeon Master 3 but a new game of its own. The story is there as you explore and I think the devs did an excellent job on this game. It has the right amount of puzzles and some great corridor based combat which is what a lot of us have been waiting a long time for. When I'm creeping through dimly lit hallways I'm not interested in reading books of lore every few feet. Too much of that can ruin a game. I have a library nearby when I want to read more than anything else.
It doesn't have to be a sequel to DM or EOB and it doesn't need to follow an exact formula to make every person out there happy. It's new, it's fun, and you can't beat the price. Also, they can only improvise and make it even better with sequels. Imagination is a fading attribute in todays programmed society, hence all the hollywood movie remakes and so forth.