so far I love this game and I really like it that developer get rewarded for their hard work. At least we'll see some good games now instead of the casualized boring stuff from the major companies. I stopped playing the D3 beta the moment LoG arrived because it's so much better.

Now... I was thinking about all the glorious first-person RPGs from the old times and I was wondering if you could use the LoG engine not only for a Dungeon Master / EotB style game but for all those great games. Think about Bard's Tale 1-3, Dragon Wars, Wizardry 6-7, Pool of Radiance (ok.. combat would be an issue), Might and Magic 1-2.. all my favourite games of all time. The only thing that's needs to be added would be a turn-based combat system. And you're ready to go!
Man... this would be so awesome.