*cough* Bards Tale *cough*
I really would like to see EoB too of course. But those games need to be an exact remake. What i don't like about LoG is the skill system. In Dungeon Master every character could learn any skill by doing it. My fighter i.e. learned magic by casting the light spell over and over. He fizzled like 20 times then he did it..wooops you gain a wizard level. With patience you could build every char up to any class.
With all the resitrictions in LoGs skill system you have to stick with it. I don't know why the devs deceided to force the game into that, i'd rather have used an open system. But well...there will be mods =)
Use the Grimrock engine for a revival of the old classics
- Posts: 39
- Joined: Fri Mar 30, 2012 11:18 am
Re: Use the Grimrock engine for a revival of the old classic
Time.schallmau3r wrote:I don't know why the devs deceided to force the game into that, i'd rather have used an open system. But well...there will be mods =)
Anyway, we have no idea just how limited the skill system is. Perhaps it's all written in lua. =)
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