my beefs with LoG

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Re: my beefs with LoG

Post by Whisper »

Darklord wrote: A front line Ranged Rogue eh, that's an interesting idea, can you elaborate on the race, stats and skill choices you went for? :)
Thats quite old idea.
Evasion rogue is actualy better tank then fighter.
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Re: my beefs with LoG

Post by Chiller »

Loktofeit wrote:I also found the rogue an exceptional front line character. The bow really starts to shine about mid-tree. With double attack and the mage enchantments on the arrows, it gives me a front line ranged character that can evade swings and is less squishy than a mage. If there were more arrows in the game, I would definitely try a party with two archer rogues in the front line.
You can probably have a bow-user and a crossbow-user without any problems as they don't overlap. Enchanted arrows are very nice but I gave up on them because I had to pick them up again by hand.
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Re: my beefs with LoG

Post by Darklord »

I have an Evasion Rogue already, but not a ranged Evasion Rogue, my front row rogue using Dex and melee weapons.

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Re: my beefs with LoG

Post by synthetictruism »

schallmau3r wrote:
2. I really miss the learning by doing from DM. The fixed skill system doesn't work as well for me, i can't really say why maybe because of the thrill in gaining an unexpected skill.

3. Potion brewing with ingredients limits its use by a lot. The System from DM were you could literally cast a spell into a flask was superior to the brewing in LoG...

4. The Spells seem somewhat limited, i wish there were more Spells

I have to agree with points 2, 3 and 4... I've not had too many issues with my rogue, although I have to admit I regret not sticking two mages at the back instead of one mage and one rogue

Regardless of that, I still utterly love this game...
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Re: my beefs with LoG

Post by Halk »

I agree with 2,3,4. The freedom to pick skillpoints isn't really freedom because of the way the perks work.. it really favours one sided characters. I don't know that it has to go all the way to the DM system. I think if it allocated 2 of the 4 skillpoints into the default skill tree then that would fix a great deal of it.

Potion brewing, I think, should use energy so that it ultimately comes from food. That means you don't need to balance all the reagents in a dungeon out, just have them not be consumed when making a potion.

More spells would be nice, however there's a danger that the more spells are added the more balancing has to be done. I do like the very firm basics that they have, with every school being a rough equivalent with a little bit of difference. The area they want to do next, in my opinion, is spells between schools.
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Re: my beefs with LoG

Post by Pajamas »

Rouges have been a bit of a touchy issue with me. I eventually destroyed the party with a rouge in it due to having already two fighters in the front and a mage that could easily take down most solider groups by himself that the rouge was essentially only the one to hold a torch and to carry the food.

I just couldn't dedicate the time to have him do nothing until he got more stuff to throw. It would be nice if there were more weapons that could attack from the back but I'm not complaining with two warriors and two mages.
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Re: my beefs with LoG

Post by Melvoid »

And as for the old door smashing trick it doesnt work in Grim because of the engine, summat to do with doors being a whole tile themselves rather than in DM where they were on the edge of a tile, one of the Devs did post a reply to someone about it in an earlier post somewhere in the forums, so not sure you could even mod it except to have a whole tile come down, ooooeeer anyone else just get a flashback to Aliens VS Predator film?
Now that would be an awesome but scary as hell dungeon style to do.

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Re: my beefs with LoG

Post by regomar »

My rogue does more damage more consistantly than any other party member.

He's got his ranged weapon skill as high as possible and with my now having 21 crossbow quarrels, he pretty much never runs dry (which can't be said for my mage who's constantly running out of energy.

When you have a high enough skill in ranged weapons, you shoot 2 arrows 90-ish percent of the time per attack, both of which do full damage for comperable and often higher damage than my sword based fighter equipt with Dismantler.

I can't speak for melee rougues since I don;t have one, but ranged ones are just sick.
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Re: my beefs with LoG

Post by Loktofeit »

Darklord wrote:
Loktofeit wrote: I also found the rogue an exceptional front line character. The bow really starts to shine about mid-tree. With double attack and the mage enchantments on the arrows, it gives me a front line ranged character that can evade swings and is less squishy than a mage. If there were more arrows in the game, I would definitely try a party with two archer rogues in the front line.
A front line Ranged Rogue eh, that's an interesting idea, can you elaborate on the race, stats and skill choices you went for? :)

Will look up the stats and post them when I get home today. Book of Wisdom is a nice +5 jump and the double arrow shot of enchanted arrows (especially now with 50 points and increased criticals) is a borderline machine gun. Because of the three ranged characters, I'm regularly strafing from ranged mobs and backing up from meleers. One thing I haven't tried is frost arrows. Do they freeze the enemy like frost bombs do?
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Re: my beefs with LoG

Post by drakex99 »

Pajamas wrote:Rouges have been a bit of a touchy issue with me. I eventually destroyed the party with a rouge in it due to having already two fighters in the front and a mage that could easily take down most solider groups by himself that the rouge was essentially only the one to hold a torch and to carry the food.

I just couldn't dedicate the time to have him do nothing until he got more stuff to throw. It would be nice if there were more weapons that could attack from the back but I'm not complaining with two warriors and two mages.
rogue can be great in 4 ways
-back ranged (everything in missiles)
-back melee (12 assassination and the rest all in dagger)
-evade front melee rogue (24 in dodge to get doubled evasion on clothes and the rest in dagger) or if you prefer more damage put dagger until flurry and then drop the rest on dodge
-evade front ranged rogue (24 in dodge and all the other points in missiles) or if you prefer more damage put missiles until volley and then drop the rest on dodge

for back rogue its better a minotaur with skulls high str, high vita, lower dex and lower energy
for front rogue its a toss between human or lizards for more or less skill points and a tad more stats (med str, med vit, med dex, low energy)

imo volley is extreme op, and flurry its a really great way to dish damage, and high evade can outlive a tank fighter
but rogue its the worst class when you start the game
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