The Party of One [warning: latest posts may contain spoiler]
Re: The Party of One [warning: latest posts may contain spoi
Yeah Chiller, already tried everything mentioned in thread.
Nice troll.
Sorry about the spoiler.
Nice troll.
Sorry about the spoiler.
Re: The Party of One [warning: latest posts may contain spoi
If developers confirmed it's secret hidden in game I do not think he's trolling. He just could be not quite sure what causes this mode to unlock.Batty wrote:Nice troll.
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Re: The Party of One [warning: latest posts may contain spoi
Well it obviously didn't work for the first person who tried it, so it must be locked somehow.
Re: The Party of One [warning: latest posts may contain spoi
Oh yes, it is possible, hard mode not needed.
This picture cointains possible spoiler

This picture cointains possible spoiler


Re: The Party of One [warning: latest posts may contain spoi
Well this is all that have been suggested from start of thread:
-secret room in first level
-casting some spells on statues or some specific spots
-Naming characters Toorum
-Naming characters with Devs name (backwards and forwards - Petri, Juho , Antti , Olli)
-Something with the 4 alcoves in the starting location
-any combination of that above + the.
Did I missed something?
Edit: omg Ashtray, the suspense
-secret room in first level
-casting some spells on statues or some specific spots
-Naming characters Toorum
-Naming characters with Devs name (backwards and forwards - Petri, Juho , Antti , Olli)
-Something with the 4 alcoves in the starting location
-any combination of that above + the
this things mentioned - on top of "Freeing" Toorum, getting all treasures/notes (Hard lvl, maybe)
Did I missed something?

Edit: omg Ashtray, the suspense

Last edited by stage on Mon Apr 16, 2012 5:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Re: The Party of One [warning: latest posts may contain spoi
Nice one Ash!
Btw I also found out what's needed to unlock it. Funnily enough it's also been mentioned in this thread (hint: not by me).
Btw I also found out what's needed to unlock it. Funnily enough it's also been mentioned in this thread (hint: not by me).
Last edited by Chiller on Mon Apr 16, 2012 7:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: The Party of One [warning: latest posts may contain spoi
Playing solo on hard adds nice replay value, thanks devs.
It's suicide mode.
It's suicide mode.
Re: The Party of One [warning: latest posts may contain spoi
Very interested in a solo mode, and the harder it will be the better. Just read through this whole thread though and have to admit I'm a little annoyed: aren't all these "hints" and the "I know something you don't know!" snickering a little childish? If you know how to unlock it just say so already and be done with it, sheesh! Put it inside spoiler tags by all means. Pretty please?
Re: The Party of One [warning: latest posts may contain spoi
Here's what worked for me:
I resurrected Toorum, and finished the game on normal. Then I started a new game, named the first character Toorum, and pressed enter.
Re: The Party of One [warning: latest posts may contain spoi
And the unlock mechanic:
You need a file named "toorum_lives.txt" in the same folder as your savegames. It is (most likely) created when you rez Toorum.