my beefs with LoG

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Re: my beefs with LoG

Post by Darklord »

Hmm nice, so many possibilities for characters. :D

Dunno about the arrows, interested to hear though.

A gently fried snail slice is absolutely delicious with a pat of butter...
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Re: my beefs with LoG

Post by Mr.Monopoly »

1. Rogues aren't useless, they do a lot of damage with bows and they do it fast, they can also go assassin and attack from behind with melee weapons, i also always get back stabs, that part is just YOU be slow.

2. This game isn't Dungeon master 2, get over it.

3. Potion making is fine to everyone else i talk to, and again....It's not Dungeon master 2.

4. There are 19 spells, are you serious?

5. This isn't Dungeon master 2.
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Re: my beefs with LoG

Post by dark jelly »

My rogue is the MVP of my team. He fires really fast and since he can put everything in strength and missile he does good damage. Firing over and over from range is extremely effective. And I didn't even make him a minotaur, skulls would make it crazy.

Using enchanted arrows was annoying at first because of manually picking them up, but once I stopped relying on torches I put a single non-enchanted arrow in my mage's left hand. Now the mage picks up the used enchanted arrows automatically for me.
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Re: my beefs with LoG

Post by Crash »

Don't you mean Dungeon Master 3? We already have Dungeon Master 2 :P
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Re: my beefs with LoG

Post by schallmau3r »

Crash wrote:Don't you mean Dungeon Master 3? We already have Dungeon Master 2 :P
Don't feed the troll =) But im glad it took that long for one to show up.
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Re: my beefs with LoG

Post by Crash »

I personally, find LoG to be superior to DM 2, but enjoyed some design decisions in Dungeon Master and Chaos Strikes Back that are different in this game. Additionally, LoG's implementation of Rogue is far superior to DM's Ninja, in my opinion, since Rogue's attacks remain effective for the duration of the game, whereas DM's ninja became ineffective for me rather quickly. I mostly wish that mixed classes were possible.
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Re: my beefs with LoG

Post by Sabatasso »

I see many opinions about rogues, and I thought I would shed some light on my perspective;
Rogues are awesome, I use two. Frontline Dodge/Dagger rogue and backline Assassination/Dagger rogue. Frontline rogues does not really get hit, and dish out great damage. A fighter that wants to be equal in either, will be less effective in one or the other. The only weakpoint is that they do have less hitpoints, so may be more fragile against spells. The backline rogue is my main damage dealer, but I agree that even with the use of invisibility the backstab is pointless. There should be a half/full backstab for flanking as well in my opinion. "Backstab" is a very gamey and misleading term, it's all about hitting when unexpected, not necessarily from behind.

Minor gripes:
- I love the game, but it's very short. I pray for expansions already.
- The races are... poor. Not really a big issue, but I think they're unbalanced too. Minotaur for example are truly inferior to human in every aspect. Ofcourse if you train them in swords and spend 4 points in dex upon creation they're awesome, but then they're basically a tweaked human with less skill points.
- Bows need a quiver. Occupying two hands like that is pointless and makes dagger a better option for that reason alone.
- Lack of Dual wield! Can either be a small dmg boost for using two weapons, or work as in EOB where you have an individual attack with each hand. For rogues at the very least, but I don't see why not fighters too.
- Lack of two handed weaponry! Self explanatory... even the Ogre Hammer was wieldable with a shield...
- Puzzles are nice, but this turned into a puzzle-fest for me. great at the start, topping it off at level 4 or 5 (don't remember) then it became tiresome as you continually went from one to the other without a breather.
- Non hostile encounters; In EOB, those were the funniest moments. I remember wishing that I could talk more to the Dwarves, and the few people I met during my adventures.
- Random loot drops; the loot in this game is literally static, most probably because there are nothing random at all. On the other hand, having snails drop leather armors would be weird too, so I won't press the matter further.
****- Equipment; I personally think you should be able to find a basic weapon of all kinds quite early. I'm quite sure that the first bow is easily missed by many, and I read about a guy that found one first at level 6 or so. Pretty silly to run around over half the game without your preferred weapon, just because a basic piece of equipment is hidden better than actual treasures. A really basic piece of weapon of each kind should be found during the first two levels. Even if they're barely better than using the fists. Make them rusty, ugly and improvised if you want to keep the impression of shortage. Table leg club, Bent/Broke/Rusty sword, Cracked Bow and so on. ****(EDIT; I just found a sling early in my second play-through, so I guess it's solved. Kinda hard to spot that one though)
- Lack of Cleric/healer type of character. I don't really miss the healing, but a resurrection spell would be nice. 20ish Spellcraft perhaps?

The pros of this game are simply too many to mention. I love it to death, and I really look forward to all the DM/EOB remakes that will inevitably pop up once the editor is released. Thank you so much to the devs, I never thought I'd enjoy this type of game again. /salute
Last edited by Sabatasso on Tue Apr 17, 2012 12:49 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: my beefs with LoG

Post by r3sistance »

I think people are having issues with Fighters and Rogues in this game because they made wrongful assumptions. You don't want Dexterity on your ranged rogue, you want strength and dexterity isn't a secondary attribute for melee characters to Strength and Vitality, it's the primary attribute.
Sabatasso wrote: - The races are... poor. Not really a big issue, but I think they're unbalanced too. Minotaur for example are truly inferior to human in every aspect. Ofcourse if you train them in swords and spend 4 points in dex upon creation they're awesome, but then they're basically a tweaked human with less skill points.
Given how ranged attack damage is based on strength and that they do not miss, I'd say Minotaur may actually be a suitable choice for ranged rogues since they'll do far more damage and when adding skull damage increases into the equation. But I get your point, Minotaur's are a bit too meat tanky in a game where evasion tanks do far better than meat tanks.
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Re: my beefs with LoG

Post by Mr.Monopoly »

Haha! yeah my bad! i meant 3! hehe!
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Re: my beefs with LoG

Post by seebs »

I preferred spells to the potion ingredient system just because you could eventually make more if you wanted to. I have a hard time using up irreplaceable resources.
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