Steam Achievements

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Steam Achievements

Post by brick »

I killed my first Ogre in the beginning of
Level 6
, but I didn't get the achievement. I'm assuming there are more of them, so hopefully I will get it off of another one, just thought I would report this.

Actually, now that I'm looking at my stats, I don't have a ton of achievements that I should have... Apprentice Alchemist, Secret Spotter just to name a couple. Is it possible achievements were disabled for me somehow?
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Re: Steam Achievements

Post by brick »

Wow, ok, nevermind. I just logged in and it gave me 7 achievements all at once :)
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Re: Steam Achievements

Post by Kunkaktus »

I am actually not getting any achievements at all.
I think it is due to me "not being logged in", it is the most logical solution to this problem. However, I have logged in as much as I can on steam.

I am getting achievements from other games.
I got the game via steam as a birthday present from my brother, if that makes a difference (thx bro).
I also tried to check/uncheck the "Enable Steam Community In-Game".
I did talk to the Grimrock support about this and they told me they had never heard of this before (strongly supports my suspicion that there is some setting I just turned of or missed by misstake).

I haven't talked to steam about this.
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Re: Steam Achievements

Post by Dr.Disaster »

All achievements are tied to the original Grimrock dungeon. They can't be gained by playing mods.

Beside that it's self-evident that you need to be logged into steam and the steam client is set to online mode.
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Re: Steam Achievements

Post by JohnWordsworth »

Yeah, I've missed a few achievements in a bunch of games due to Steam going offline silently sometimes in the background due to my router resetting or my internet connection being a bit crappy some days. Some games will locally store the achievement, or in the case of 'counting' achievements - will make sure they are awarded the next time you get something that counts (ie. if you need 10 kills for an achievement, got 10 kills while offline, you will get the achievement when you get kill 11). But I don't think Steam does this by standard - so you might have to replay parts of the game(s) if you really want the achievements and make sure you're set to Online Mode.

I missed about half a dozen achievements in Portal 2. I played it all the way through, but was missing basic "you completed chapter X" type achievements - so knew it must be a problem with the system somehow. I don't really care, so haven't gone back to get them - but that's where I found out that it doesn't cache them offline like Xbox (at least, it didn't - I guess it may do one day!).
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Re: Steam Achievements

Post by Komag »

Well for me I had already finished the entire game of Grimrock twice before getting the steam version last year (for the editor beta), and when I connected to steam it apparently read all my save games and figured out what I had done because I instantly got 34 out of 40 achievements (IIRC).
Finished Dungeons - complete mods to play
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Re: Steam Achievements

Post by JohnWordsworth »

Oh cool, then it sounds like Grimrock handles offline achievements nicely - that's good :).
My Grimrock Projects Page with links to the Grimrock Model Toolkit, GrimFBX, Atlas Toolkit, QuickBar, NoteBook and the Oriental Weapons Pack.
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Re: Steam Achievements

Post by Kunkaktus »

Well I am pretty sure that I am online, since I am playing through steam, and that steam is connecting properly since I can get achievements from other games.
It gives me hope that Grimrock stores achievements so that I may not have lost it all (I have almost finished the game). But the question still remains. How do I "activate" my achievements?
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Re: Steam Achievements

Post by Kunkaktus »

Anyone has any ideas of what might be wrong?
Any help would be appreciated.
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Re: Steam Achievements

Post by petri »

Could you verify that you are running the Steam version of the game? For example, can you browse the steam workshop inside the game? (is the Browse Workshop button enabled in Custom Dungeons menu?)
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