A few things that caught my attention:
There are a few balance issues. Ok, that is an outright lie. There are a lot of balance issues (some weapon types are better, not all skills are useful, not all magic types are equally powerful) but they don't really matter because it takes too long to notice them and you're going to enjoy the game in the meantime anyway. Some do stand out immediately, however, like protection vs. evasion.
The key input buffer doesn't behave consistently (i.e. if I hold down the forward key for a while then release I don't know where I'm going to stop) and this creates problems with the timing puzzles (this is being discussed elsewhere on the forum too).
The UI could use a few improvements, hotkeys to attack and cast spells would be useful (and if you don't like them, don't use them. Sigh.) There was a game (Lands of Lore perhaps?) where you could right-click a monster and the first ready character would perform an attack. That would work quite well here, I think.
I loved the Tome of Fire, but why is it a one-of? A few more books of this type would have been quite cool.
Speaking of which, putting a Book of Infinite Wisdom in a treasury pretty much removes the choice.
The amount of skill points gained over the course of the game is very restricted. It would have been good to have a warning to the effect of "you will only max one skill, maybe, and that will happen right before the end" (perhaps in the manual), because with each class having 6 skills, I was pretty sure at least two would be maxed during the course of the game. Having more skills points would improve gameplay a bit because people would be able to actually spend some on the support skills.
...can't think of aything else right now. Once again, great game