takis76 wrote:Some wallsets for your appetite only

Hmm let's see how far I get.... starting top left
Row 1
1. Tower Eye2
2. Underground Eye2
3. Upper (Dran) Eye2
4. Forest Eye2
5. Temple Eye2
6. Tower 2 Eye2
7. Dwarven (4/5) Eye1
8. Drow (7/8/9) Eye1
9. Xanathar's Lair (11) Eye1
10. ? Eye2
11. ???? (not from Eye of the Beholder?)
12. ???? (not from Eye of the Beholder?)
13. ???? (not from Eye of the Beholder?)
14. ???? (not from Eye of the Beholder?)
15. ???? (not from Eye of the Beholder?)
16. ???? (not from Eye of the Beholder?)
17. ? Eye3
18. ???? (not from Eye of the Beholder?)
19. ???? (not from Eye of the Beholder?)
20. ???? (not from Eye of the Beholder?)
21. ???? (not from Eye of the Beholder?)
22. ???? (not from Eye of the Beholder?)
23. ???? (not from Eye of the Beholder?)
24. ????
25. Level 10/11 Eye1
26. ? Eye2
27. ???? (not from Eye of the Beholder?)
Keep in mind I haven't finished Eye of the Beholder 3 ever (did play it a few times but never get to actually finishing it ...) so if some here are tilesets from mid/endgame Eye3 ... I won't recognise them.. also where is 24 from ? it has the same texture as the dwarven parts of Eye1 .. just only darker.. so im guessing that's Eye3 ?
Secondly I NEVER noticed the drow level texture is just the dwarven one recolored .... same with the mantis texture being the one used in Eye2 for the dungeon part (cleverly mirrored)... it's just now that I look at em side by side the "coin drops" :p