I am planning to change career soon, going to university next summer to study games design. This is after a 4 year stint as a mechanical engineer in the UK. Finally got fed up with it!
Anyhow, I need to knuckle down on some serious art skills as it has been a few years since I did any serious painting/drawing. I really would like to get my 3DS-MAX skills up to scratch so I'm offering to do some character modelling/texturing work for any modders out there. Bear in mind my skillset with max is pretty limited until I start to get to grips with it, although I have 4 years experience using various CAD packages so fingers crossed.
Also I wouldn't mind getting stuck in on some scripting, I have only really used Python before but am willing to get up to speed on C#/C++, so once again if anyone needs help with scripting for mods please pm me

I know this is very premature as no mod tools have been released yet, but I just thought I'd get my name out there, also if anyone is able to give me some tips via webcam that would be great, this could coincide with some collab work.