Female Insect Babe
Re: Female Insect Babe
I admire your skill, it's just that your subjects are a little ... umm ... outside my normal dating circles.
Re: Female Insect Babe
Alaric wrote:I admire your skill, it's just that your subjects are a little ... umm ... outside my normal dating circles.

"...on, into the dungeon..."
Re: Female Insect Babe
rodrell wrote:Ok, Petri , look at me man : ( low noise hypnotic chant ) beeeeee weeeeeellllll , looooookk aaat thiiisss feeemaaalee miiiinnoootauurrr....

Re: Female Insect Babe
That's actually much better and makes much more sense. I like it! 

Re: Female Insect Babe
Thank you all for your responses. In the coming days I will try do add more complicated drawings. Thanks again. 

"...on, into the dungeon..."
Re: Female Insect Babe
I think this deserves to be in the Creative Corner, where this won't be buried under all the other posts 

Steven Seagal of gaming industry
Re: Female Insect Babe
Remember that female insect babes are only interesting until they try to kill and eat you while you're still mating with them.