Dear all,
It was a very long time ago that i tried to detect the secrets of Grimrock and claim the treasure from the caves . Some of you may have found my notes on the floor what i have left on my journey. Written on a ordinary sheet of paper. But i was a fool, is was to young and to weak to stay againt the terrible monsters and so i die in the caves.
It takes a very very long time (11.4.2012

) that another group of adventures come across my body and resurrect me. Through the long dead i lost the most of my knowledge but something is left. And so i decide to start a new adventure, but this time i dont wanna loose. Instead of taking pen and paper with me i decide to take my laptop with me. i install a brand new navigation software on my laptop that i can send my last position to all.
If i get lost another time, it would be much easier to help me out. if i am to weak to stay maybe some of you can help me if i need your advise.
This is the first test to upload my position that i can see all is fine
It was my first day at grimrock. Nothing cant stop me. I decide to sleep near the stairs to the Tunnels. I am not sure if i should spent the next points in my axe skill or i should invest it in armour. I wanna sleep a night over it
I decided to but my first 4 skillpoint in the axe skill, because i need the damage and heavy armour is less worth for me because i am very quick

. The Second Day at grimrock spend me 2 more Levels for investing in my axe skill. Now its time to make a rest near the stairs to the next level. i am happy to found some empty flasks to brew me some heal Potions for further use.My last Position you will find here I have left my found treasure - do not claim my hardly earned values

Those nasty spiders here are the first extrem situation. But my axeskill (21) is high enough to kill them all. Found stairs to level full with Slimes, they are to diffucult atm for me, i have decided to come back later. Now i am short before i get another level. As in the past i have decided to rest near the stairs down to the Archive. I have left 2 woodenboxes on the floor, one with food in it and the other with heavy armour for my later use. Near the life crystal i have put some useless staff. Now its time to go for a sleep and upload my last position I think about raising my axeskill or should i invest in heavy armour. I am not sure must sleep over it
Its time to rest near the stairs to the Hallway. I have found a Book +5 Skill in the Archive level (spend all Points in Spellcraft that i am able to cast Light. No need more Torches and i have one hand free to take my shield. i reognized that i am not able to cast any spell after i had invest those 5 Skillpoints into spellcraft. i remebered on those Whitewood Wand what i have left some levels up . So i went back and claim it. Now i am able to cast spells - GREAT. After i had finished the puzzle a horde of Scavenger attacked me. i run for my live and close the door near the entrance to the level. Behind thoose door i am save and can start fighting this creatures one by one. also i have found a new axe and 2 Pieces of chitin armour with very good defense. I invest all my skillpoints left into my axeskill. Before i go to sleep i claim all woodboxes and bring them to the Hallways. And the same like all days i upload my laststandinf
Nothing to fear about in this level. As usual i rest near the stair. After i was asleep i hear loud footsteps from the cavern below. I have upload my new position
After Finishing the most what be must done in the Cave Trapped an got all 4 Keys + 1 Goldkey, i want visit the nasty Slimes in level PILLARS OF LIGHT, its the place where my lovely spiders had there home. But something i let open in the CAVE TRAPPED, there is a VAULT OF THE ORB and the Fighter Challenge what must be done later. Also found Stairs up to the Hallway what are not finished. I go for sleep and rest near the STAIRS to the SLIMES. I upload my position here, because if i get crazy from the slimes i hope you can help me
Back from the Slimes, in finished in the Cave Trapped at 5.2 to fire guardins and claim 2 pieces of PLATE. My First PLATE but cant wear atm. 3 Things left in this cave - THE FIGHTER CHALLENGE, THE VAULT OF ORB AND WESTEND (there is a Scorpion there if you Fall dawn the Pit and guards a Treasure. I wanna come later to Finish these 3 open Lessons. Have claimed all my woodboxes and bring it near my last Position what i sending now. I have gained 1 level and can raise 4 Skillpoints - Should i put thoose Points in Armour now or uprising my axe- i have to sleep over?. Go for sleep now
Finish the Acient Chambers there are 2 Stairs down to the VAULT. I have take a camp near the Secret stairs to the Vault and upload my position here also have claimed all woodenboxes and stored it near the stairs to 7.1 On this level i have found my last piece od chitin armour to have the full set now. And also found my first piece of valor plate armour. Have put 8 points into armour that i can wear heavy armour without negatives