Today on my way home I listened like usual to the Radio when the Moderator's on 1Live mentioned a revival of a old gameplay that many tried to revive but no one so far managed to reach the glory of the old games. Then they mentioned that one game topped them all and brought back the glory of the old times. Legend of Grimrock got highly praised by the Moderator on the Radio!
It seems like the Games Name spreads and I have to agree that it's the best dungeon crawler I played in years.
Legend of Grimrock on Radio!
Re: Legend of Grimrock on Radio!
Excellent news!
The more exposure LoG gets, the better. And AH certainly deserve this, in my opinion
What a great piece of work, from such a small team.

Re: Legend of Grimrock on Radio!
I can't agree more with you, let's hope they have a bright future ahead! 

Re: Legend of Grimrock on Radio!
Nice one! Thanks for sharing.

A gently fried snail slice is absolutely delicious with a pat of butter...