lastsaves wrote:I am kind of puzzled that everyone talks about what is missing in LoG to made remakes of classics like EoB, LoL or StoneKeep possible.
Does really "everyone" wants to play "original" EoB in Grimrock engine?
What about "just" taking the story, re-creating maps and puzzles, adding EoB monsters and keeping LoG class and spell system.
It should be way easier to accomplish and (at least for me) still fun (maybe even more).
I like LoG character and spell system and with little more variability (few more classes, new skills and spells) it is more then sufficient.
(Don't call me heretic

I am not 15yo kid and have finished all aforementioned games back in 90s).
On the contrary that's a point I'm completely agree upon.
I've witnessed only partly successful or abruptly interrupted projects of remakes of EoB with or without questionable modifications, so neither to stay truthful to the original's feeling nor able to detach from it to become something unique.
I don't get actually why to recreate it exactly alike knowing, as I do, most of its maps by memory, if not for some insane nostalgia: I say insane because of the simple amount of work needed to recreate a copy.
Still, loving that original myself I've been trying for years to interest people in either collaborate with me on a new game with much of its spirit or on a batch of new levels to play with the same engine.
I always failed to really convince other people to go for it, and partly (eventual poor project on my part accounted for) I believe it's that people are more allured by the place the original game had in their own adolescence than by the game itself, and are not really interested to create something new because it would be different, while the success the first game had was exactly based on that, meaning on the trying something largely new.
If you are interested, on the English Amiga Board, you can see some exemples of what I'm speaking about and of my mockups for a new version, and even a whole new wallset, set of portraits and interface never used, the project canned.
By the way, that's in the same place everybody was excited to make translations in different languages (tiresome: I did it in Italian and it was pure boredom) and to spend huge amount of work just to update the graphics of the game from ECS to AGA chipset (meaning to have the same amount of colors the PC version had).
It's curious this, about human' nostalgia.
There in this thread:
But also in the many others in the same subforum.