True, I think plot and such could all be improved for any sequels/expansions AH do, hopefully LoG has been sucessfull enough that they can add a 5th team member or more, someone who speciallises in plot and npc's such?
A gently fried snail slice is absolutely delicious with a pat of butter...
That would be awesome. I would love to see any follow up with a bit more meat to the story. The engine and game world as it is looks really good and there is just enough hits given suggesting something bigger going on in the world outside.
It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue. My end game stats LoG 1st play through
One thing I can't wrap my mind up is: weren't the cthulu guys supposed to make sure that the cube of death wasn't supposed to get reactivated in the first place. So why do they attack you not the cube?
Sheep wrote:One thing I can't wrap my mind up is: weren't the cthulu guys supposed to make sure that the cube of death wasn't supposed to get reactivated in the first place. So why do they attack you not the cube?
This. It is clear they simply wanted to throw everything at the players for this but did not pay much thought to what letting them show up implied. But on the other hand the gommorg already had plenty of opportunity to leave inscriptions on the wall reading 'exit this way ->'. Adventurer problem solved, crisis averted.
One of Toorum's notes does poke fun at the fact that it's all one elaborate puzzle but it's probably best not to question why everything works so well, rather than try to come up with some kind of story to back it up. The goromorgs made it a challenge so that anyone getting to the end would have the strength and power to win the final fight. They made the dungeon wanting it to be defeated.
Disasterrific wrote:One of Toorum's notes does poke fun at the fact that it's all one elaborate puzzle but it's probably best not to question why everything works so well, rather than try to come up with some kind of story to back it up. The goromorgs made it a challenge so that anyone getting to the end would have the strength and power to win the final fight. They made the dungeon wanting it to be defeated.
Yes, but then there comes the next question.
Apparently the Goromorgs where the creators of the dungeon (why else have so many statues of your race on display) or at least so it seems to me and they were able to create the ultimate weapon to stun the cube. They also created those golems with 2 flails, that are actually pretty speedy and very massive, massive enough to very likely stop the cube from using his rolling mode of locomotion. Why then would they need to employ a game of chance to find a group of adventurerers to get strong enough to get down to the Cube and destroy it? Why were they not able to do it themselves? It seems they do have the magic, technology, power and numbers (that they can spread around the Cube) to defeat him, yet they chose not to, but they also give their lives to try and stop your group. A very peculiar mode of operation to say the least.
If they had wanted to destroy the cube, they would have done so.
But often it is more wise to just immobilize your enemy and lock him up.
Little did the adventurer--- sorry, prisoner group know, they have now angered the whole race of six sided psychopaths who will look to roll all over the land to avenge their fallen brethren.