According to the in-game timer (which starts at character creation screen) ending at "the end" the final time was 1:01:52.
I did it in segments. Levels 1-6 I did in single segments each, meaning if I messed up or an enemy blocked me, I restarted the level. From 7 and on I have the occasional mid-level save. Keep in mind I was doing this for a video, so I kept the segments to a minimum, obviously. Had I been doing this run without recording and saving/loading constantly I could have likely gotten it under 45 minutes, but what fun is that?
Now for the videos themselves. I've uploaded them so you guys can see them if you wish. Obviously this will be major spoiler territory, so only watch these videos if you have beaten the game!! I only open up a bare minimum of secrets and only do puzzles that are required, so if you have beaten the game, it is unlikely it will spoil anything for you.
Here is an example level (floor 5):
For those just interested in a picture of the end stat screen:

Let me know what you guys think. Especially if you think I'm a crazy person for doing a speedrun on a game within a week of release