I ask this because I, and apparently some others, won't actually have the means to run this game when it first comes out.
I simply don't have a gaming PC, but I about jumped out of my seat when I saw this on GOG, only to face plant my desk when I saw the system requirements.
My video card is an ATI Radeon 3200, for example, and I noticed some people wanting to run this game on netbooks(!) There is just no way that's going to happen, but OnLive is a free service, very similar to Steam, but it uses Cloud technology to stream the game to the player's computer, thus circumventing the need for good hardware.
I think a game like this would be excellent on a service like OnLive because it doesn't seem to require a lot of precision aiming or timed button presses, so the small amount of input lag you'd get wouldn't affect the overall gameplay experience.
Thanks for listening.