Do i have to keep Toorum's notes?

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Re: Do i have to keep Toorum's notes?

Post by Hissssa »

Here's a better question... warning spoiler alert!
If someone is resetting the dungeon and what not then why are Toorum's notes lying around?
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Re: Do i have to keep Toorum's notes?

Post by Porkdish »

Marco wrote:Whenever I play these sorts of games, I leave huge supply depots scattered all over the place.
Even having finished this game 3 times, every time I finish a level or two I still trek back to my last 'crystal base' and pick up my boxes of (shit I'll never use) treasured possessions. Notes, old weapons, rocks, torches, food... all to be tediously relocated to the latest crystal.
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Re: Do i have to keep Toorum's notes?

Post by BlueLegion »

Hissssa wrote:Here's a better question... warning spoiler alert!
If someone is resetting the dungeon and what not then why are Toorum's notes lying around?
the internal parts of the dungeons get resetted, but objects brought in from the outside are not affected.
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