Modelling is never a zero effort task.
However, with the introduction of custom portraits, adding new races would be!
Being as the only thing that would separate them is starting stats, and maybe a racial trait.
Let's introduce some new races then. Keep in mind the human stats are
Code: Select all
Str: 10
Dex: 10
Vit: 10
Wil: 10
Tot: 40
SSP: 4
SSP being Starting Skill Points
with the deviations from the other races being
Code: Select all
Minotaur Lizardman Insectoid
Str: 15(+5) Str: 10(±0) Str: 8 (-2)
Dex: 6 (-4) Dex: 12(+2) Dex: 11(+1)
Vit: 14(+4) Vit: 10(±0) Vit: 8 (-2)
Wil: 7 (-3) Wil: 9 (-1) Wil: 14(+4)
Tot: 42(+2) Tot: 41(+1) Tot: 41(+1)
SSP: 1 SSP: 3 SSP: 3
So, for a new race, we would want to keep the stats in the 40's range, with SSP's at 3 unless the race is completely similar to human(In NWN, both humans and
Half Elves got the 2 extra feats at lvl 1 thing, I think. It was something like that. I forgot.) Anyway, Let's see what i can make:
Code: Select all
Str: 9 (-1)
Dex: 12(+2)
Vit: 8 (-2)
Wil: 12(+2)
Tot: 41(+1)
SSP: 3
Elven Racial (Precise): Attack power modded by Dexterity instead of Strength
See I think that's a good spread of stats and a racial that isn't too broken. I don't just think of elves as crazy sharpshooters, I think of them as generally a more magical race than humans. But soft. A jack of all trades, if you will, for anything that's not a front line, beefy fighter. I see them excelling at mages and rogues.
Code: Select all
Str: 12(+2)
Dex: 7 (-3)
Vit: 16(+6)
Wil: 7 (-3)
Tot: 42(+2)
SSP: 3
Dwarven Racial (Drunk): Some stats modded by alcohol, assuming they put alcohol in the game
For this race I basically made them the end-all tank, even having them beat minotaurs' starting vitality. Despite their size, I see dwarves as a better tanking race than any other, and MANY fantasy settings agree.
I'm interested in hearing your thoughts on these races. Go ahead and make your own races, keep it to humanoids though, IMO.
Later on I'll try out
Gnome/Halfling/Hobbit/Kobold (What's the difference between these guys, amirite?)