I had this on my mind after watching Yogscast on YouTube do their play through (part 3) yesterday, so I decided to draw it. It takes time to ink a scanned drawing, so this is a rush draft of a comic I had thought of Related to Grimrock. A Minotaur levels up, and wonders what to put his new skill points into. Then he finds a new axe. So he puts the skills into axes. A half a minute later he finds a sword that is better, and does a rage face.
In game I always try to fit my competence to have the best weapon ... I'm angry when I put all in axe for a level to have the axe of my dream and later I found a wonderful mace or sword
Just sort of point my points in where I wanted to dealt with it.
Ended up with a Hammer guy, a Sword guy, and two Dagger guys. Did not feel overly cheated though one dagger guy had nothing special to hang onto at end game but still worked fine.
It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue. My end game stats LoG 1st play through