Why hasn't the website front page been updated?

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Why hasn't the website front page been updated?

Post by Keefy »

There have been many, many glowing reviews from serious publications and heaps of praise for this game, but you would not know it by looking at the front page of the website.

Steam has been updated but I'm wondering if there is an opportunity being missed here to add review quotes, % and star ratings to the main website. Also, there could be a "Praise for Grimrock" section before the "What is Legend of Grimrock?". Just an observation and suggestion.
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Re: Why hasn't the website front page been updated?

Post by Loktofeit »

I agree. Putting links to some of the reviews and articles on the front page would really help sell the feature to some that might be on the fense if for no other reason than "I never heard of these guys."
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Re: Why hasn't the website front page been updated?

Post by petri »

Good point!
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