Perhaps a human is the best choice for most demi humans.
Surely ye cannae be serious?Zo Kath Ra wrote:I can accept Dwarves as long as they don't have a Scottish accent.
I think Dungeon Master had it right, lots of weird looking characters, and some normal ones. Everyone would develop to a slightly different potential, no concept of "race" or "class. Some even had pointy ears.Slippery the Gray wrote:This topic is about adding elves as a playable race in Grimrock just wanted to see what the community thinks about it. like if thay wore implemented what would there states be? would thay be powerful mages with boneis willpower or deadly archers with extera dexterity.
Hey, what have you got against Kobolds!!??DJK wrote:Elves, Gnomes, Dwarves, Halflings, Goblins, Orcs, Dark Elves, High Elves, Wood Elves, Drow, Moogles, Toads, Half-something, Shapeshifters, Draconian, Vampires, Werewolves, Hobbits and Little Folk ?
Well, have you actually ever heard the sound of elf when you hit one? Maybe they do sound like a bug. Who knowspongsifu wrote:They'll still sound like a bug when hit in combat.Darklord wrote:Well you could use an Insectoid with Elf art, this is what I plan to do, it fits an arcane elf quite nicely.