Hello Players and fellow employers of Almost Human,
I apologize in advance if I make any spelling/grammar/pun mistakes as I am typing this in a hurry. [Have to leave for work in 20 mins]

The purpose of this thread [as suggested by the title] is to be a collective suggestion thread. However, only reasonable suggestions will be added here. Hopefully, this will get to be a sticky thread.

I currently have 2 suggestions on the slate;
#1 Exp system [Why it's bugged and what needs to be changed]
#2 Possible addition of quivers
As most players have noticed, their party members level at different rates at one point or another. This is easily explained in the users manual that members MUST participate in the dispatch of a mob in order to get full [100%] exp, otherwise 50% will be given. This raises the question; what qualifies as participation? From my extensive testing, ANY damage [even 0] counts as participation which will result in 100% exp gain [assuming the mob is dispatched]. However, there is a flaw [a bug] in the exp system; it ONLY counts slots that have damaged a specific mob and not the character themselves. This is a serious problem because switching characters between slots doesn't actually give them the participation flag b/c ONLY the slot themselves are flagged. I personally don't believe this was intended by the developers; however I could be wrong.
Here is an example:
1: Fighter
2: Rogue
3: Mage
4: Archer
Normally in a 4 v 1 [mob] scenario, everyone can easily get full exp [assuming every member triggers the participation flag and that members 3 and 4 can reach(attack) the mob without switching position]. However, in a 4 v 4 scenario, the amount of work required for ALL 4 members to hit the same mob WITHOUT switching position increases exponentially. The player is nearly forced to a) lure the mob into a minimum 2x2 space and kit the mob or b) tank the mob while using projectile weapons(while saving and loading constantly) to ensure ALL members receive the participation flag for 100% exp gain.
A simple solution would be to flag participation by character instead of party position, this would cause less confusion and make the game more fluid [especially for us perfectionists]

Moving onto the topic of Quivers~~
I and many other players think it's reasonable to have a dedicated Quiver slot on the equipment page for rogues because it's unrealistic for them to constantly hold arrow(s) the whole-time. Logically, if a rogue can draw arrows with their left/right hand, then it's reasonable to say they could also use the same drawing hand to draw throwing knives, etc. Players will have to access their rogue(s)'s equipment page [inventory] and drop[equip] arrows into the Quiver slot and a arrow count would show above the bow/xbow.
In order to make this "balanced" and "realistic" I propose the following conditions:
***The Quiver slot has to be FOUND [as equipment] OR unlocked by having X amount point(s) in projectile weapons OR both.
My reasoning for this is drawing an arrow AND shooting it fluently requires a certain level of skill and practice.
For example:
#1 A rogue has a bow, arrow(s) and stone(s) equipped = they can freely choose to attack using one of those two weapons per turn.
#2 A rogue has a bow, arrow(s) and shield equipped = they CANNOT attack.
#3 A rogue has a bow, arrow(s) and a sword/dagger/torch/axe/etc = they can ONLY attack with the sword/dagger/torch/etc (one handed weapon only)
As extremely good or bad this idea may sound, the issue lies in the extensive amount of coding and testing required to make it work. So ultimately, it's up to the developers to decide if they want to implement something like this into their game.
This sums up the ideas I have for Legend of Grimrock, please reply with your thoughts/comments/suggestions to support the thread. I think it would be great if this was sticky-ied for all to see. Thanks for reading.
***May 1st 2012 Update Below***
Current Top Suggestions:
#1) Fix the exp system where participation is only tied to party positions [Credit: The LoG community]
#2) Fix the auto ammo pick-up codes [stones, arrows, shurikens, etc] [Credit: rakenan]
Example: If a special arrow is shot and a mob is dispatched; the system will not recognize the new arrow for auto-pickup as it's different from what the archer is using.
#3) Balance dodge to chance ratio on rogues as they are currently too overpowered overall.
Example: A full rogue party can run through hard with their eyes closed.