I created a python script to rename characters in an existing savefile. It is an adaptation of the one to put
custom portraits in old (pre-patch) saved games.
The script
renamecharacters.py is available here:
It goes like this: find the LoG savegame folder in your installation, and let's say you want to edit the names in save file
savegame01.sav. Do:
Code: Select all
$ python renamecharacters.py savegame01.sav
Parsing savegame01.sav:
Found character Fodok
New name (press Enter to keep identical)?
Found character Bardar
New name (press Enter to keep identical)? Babar
Found character Daedoc
New name (press Enter to keep identical)?
Found character Gamdalf
New name (press Enter to keep identical)?
Here I renamed only one character, "Bardar" has become "Babar". An edited savegame is created in the same folder with the name
Delete the savegame01.sav file from LoG save folder, and replace it by the new file savegame01.edited.sav, which you'll rename savegame01.sav.
Same as the other tool: this comes with *no* warranty whatsoever, *no* support, and you are advised to backup all your save files before you play with them!