I like the idea of being able to add npc's later ala EOB, that being said I'd also like some Ishar style party members where they end up doing the dirty on you, one that stole something from you while you were sleeping would be amusing, they would flee the party and you could chase them down or something!
A gently fried snail slice is absolutely delicious with a pat of butter...
Darklord wrote:I like the idea of being able to add npc's later ala EOB, that being said I'd also like some Ishar style party members where they end up doing the dirty on you, one that stole something from you while you were sleeping would be amusing, they would flee the party and you could chase them down or something!
Insal served one purpose. Pick locking your way to Amber's bones. After that, he's gone!
Last edited by Thels on Wed May 02, 2012 11:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
I would like to gain more experience points from monsters when i'm playing on Hard mode and they must have more hit points, not just more damage, this way my party will go up more levels and it will be more challenging. How about that?
Arxagelos wrote:I would like to gain more experience points from monsters when i'm playing on Hard mode and they must have more hit points, not just more damage, this way my party will go up more levels and it will be more challenging. How about that?
The problem with that is that it would actually make Hard mode only hard early on, and then slowly swap places with easy mode due to the higher levels you accomplish.