(Spoiler) Spirit Mirror Pendant

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(Spoiler) Spirit Mirror Pendant

Post by Thels »

So in level 6 you run into this Spirit Mirror Pendant, a necklace that makes you earn XP 25% faster.
I must admit, I'm one of those guys that makes sure that each character tags every mob (except that I skipped a few mobs, so all my characters are exactly 300 XP apart from each other), checking consistently if all my characters did get all the experience. I guess that's a habit I'll have to drop after this, as there's no way to really trace that when XP bonuses are included. But that's actually not what I wanted to discuss.

What did you do with the pendant? Did you give it to one of your characters for the rest of the game, letting that character outlevel the others? Or did you move it around, always handing it to the character that was falling behind in levels so he could catch up with the others? I'm inclined to use it in the latter way.
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Re: (Spoiler) Spirit Mirror Pendant

Post by Poomermon »

I gave it to my sword fighter to get that skill level 50 perk asap. I would advise to give it someone who has the most powerful late game ability so he can get it sooner. Also he will usually finish one level higher (14 vs 13) than the rest so if you can put those +4 skill points to good use all the better.
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Re: (Spoiler) Spirit Mirror Pendant

Post by Thels »

Does leveling slow down that much? I barely started on level 6 and my characters are level 9...
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Re: (Spoiler) Spirit Mirror Pendant

Post by 1varangian »

I gave it to the Mage on both runs so that their spell repertoire would be bigger. Though the pendant would be most useful on someone who could put the extra skill points in weapon skills - those are used much more and Mages don't really get any more flexible with levels.
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Re: (Spoiler) Spirit Mirror Pendant

Post by Darklord »

I gave it to my lowest XP characters so that they could catch up. Worked quite nicely. :)

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Re: (Spoiler) Spirit Mirror Pendant

Post by gasgas »

I don't think this a major problem, you're characters will all get to at least level 13 before the big baws, it's better to play without caring about all that stuff, it's a singleplayer game and it's not competitive so if they have a bunch of xp of difference who cares? It's just numbers.
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Re: (Spoiler) Spirit Mirror Pendant

Post by Disasterrific »

Heh, yeah, by the end of the three EOB games my characters were completely all over the place. I used the pendant once so the lowest to catch up and second time around I power levelled my fighter. If the game was longer it would make sense to pass it around so that whoever is gunning for some particular skill that's powerful or needs a lot of points gets there faster.
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