Pretty easy party setup - almost no challenge

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Pretty easy party setup - almost no challenge

Post by Dibbl3r »

I have gone through the dungeon first with the predefined party, in my 2nd run I wanted to build some kind of 'ultimate' party going through everything like knife through the butter ;) Next run will be single char only, not decided yet which one...

Here is my 'ultimate' party setup as an inspiration for those who wants to try something pretty easy and do not want to strafe a lot in fights:

Lizardman Rogue / max Dex / rest Vitality / Skilled / Fist Fighter / VERY High Evasion 1st row fast attacker
plan: Dodge = 2, then Unarmed Combat = 50, total 52 needed at lvl 13 which means I need 4 as a starter => either it would have to be Human, or Skilled Lizardman, I chose later option
rest points after lvl 13 to Dodge
Lurker set
wearer of Spirit Mirror Pendant to reach lvl 13 around the same time the other chars reach lvl 12

Human Fighter / max Dex, rest Vitality / Evasive / Fist Fighter / High Evasion Medium Armored 1st row fast attacker able to wear Light armor
plan: Armors = 8, then Unarmed Combat = 50, total 58 needed at lvl 12 which means I need 4 as a starter + 10 from from two Books of Infinite Wisdom
rest points after lvl 12 to Armors
Chitin set

Mino Rogue / max Vitality, rest Strength (can be max Str, rest Vit of course) / Aggresive / Head Hunter / VERY High Strength 2nd row thrower
plan: Throwing Weapons = 50, total 50 needed at lvl 12 which means I need 1 as a starter + 5 from from one Book of Infinite Wisdom
rest points after lvl 12 to Dodge

Mino Rogue / max Vitality, rest Strength (can be max Str, rest Vit of course) / Aggresive / Skilled / VERY High Strength 2nd row thrower
plan: Dodge = 2, then Throwing Weapons = 50, total 52 needed at lvl 13 which means I need 1 as a starter + 3 from from Skilled
rest points after lvl 13 to Dodge
wearer of Spirit Mirror Pendant after Lizardman Rogue reached lvl 13

Here is the party at the end of the game:
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Re: Pretty easy party setup - almost no challenge

Post by Eobersig »

Ranged Minotaur rogues are Grimrock's "I win" button. The more rogues you have the more "I win" buttons you get. :)
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Re: Pretty easy party setup - almost no challenge

Post by Merethif »

With two axe throwers in second row you will have to split Throwing Axes. There are 18 throwing axes (at least I've found only 18 each time) available so if you split it equally, each of you rogue will end up with only 9 axes, which you will "unload" with 5 clicks (with high Throwing Weapons you throw two axes per click). Of course you can equip one rogue with Shurikens, which is sub-optimal weapon for a Thrower.

Maybe you should consider changing second rogue to archer and go for Missile Weapons? It will gain 5 points less in Strength, but it means only 2 points of Attack Power less, and Crossbow/Crookhorn Longbow has more Attack power then Throwing Axe so you really won't need those 5 points in Strength. Anyway you will do lots of more damage with Crossbow/Crookhorn Longbow then Shuriken.
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Re: Pretty easy party setup - almost no challenge

Post by Darklord »

One archer/one thrower does seem like a good compromise.

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Re: Pretty easy party setup - almost no challenge

Post by Dibbl3r »

yes, you are right, but those useless bonuses to Dexterity in Missile Weapons skill tree made me go for 2 throwers and did not notice any problems at all. With 1 thrower and 1 archer it would be probably even easier :)
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Re: Pretty easy party setup - almost no challenge

Post by Lmaoboat »

Two archers would be even better I think, since there's plenty of both bolts and arrows.
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Re: Pretty easy party setup - almost no challenge

Post by Thels »

Lmaoboat wrote:Two archers would be even better I think, since there's plenty of both bolts and arrows.
Except that Throwers only need a single hand, so he has a hand free for the torch.

2 archers would mean either of the front characters would have to discard the shield, or he'd have to stumble around in the dark (which actually is not that dark at all).
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Re: Pretty easy party setup - almost no challenge

Post by stepsongrapes »

I have nearly the same party, except I've got the fighter as a swordsman (just to have the fun of picking up weapons) and missile/thrower in the back.

I agree with others that both thrower is going to make it tough on weapon availability. The strength bonuses from throwing barely make a difference in terms of attack power, if you do the math, and our outdone by the higher damage of the missile weapons. I'd keep the thrower as a headhunter.

The party is, indeed, extremely overpowered.
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Re: Pretty easy party setup - almost no challenge

Post by HaunterV »

Be a man and don't build this party then if you don't like it. I took 2 fighters a mage n a missile rogue. granted i want to try the unarmed combat party next go round. I am still going to champ through with the existing party.
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Re: Pretty easy party setup - almost no challenge

Post by rakenan »

Thels wrote:2 archers would mean either of the front characters would have to discard the shield, or he'd have to stumble around in the dark (which actually is not that dark at all).
Yep, I never realized how much ambient light there really is until I started my Toorum run. No room for a torch or caster weapon, no problem, i can see in the dark, apparently.
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