Has loads of suggestions!

Eh, I'm 30. You have a second after shots are fired to intercept them; you just have to queue up your movements a little. Make sure you're back up against the wall to give yourself as much time as possible. Because moves can be queued up, you don't have to perfectly time anything. You just have to put in your next move before your current one is finished.Uther wrote:Not hard, as long as you have the manual dexterity of a teenager.
I liked this game because I played the original dungeonmaster when it was released in the 80's, so am not so young.
Dungeonmaster had lots of puzzles but did not rely so much millisecond perfect key presses.
I liked this game in the beginning but I am beginning to get frustrated because I find many of the timing puzzles impossible.
Actually this depends on many other factors including your computer. If it's a little dated this becomes harder or impossible, UNTIL you lower your graphic settings. Took me 100+ tries without changing settings, wish I'd known then what I do now.Empyrean wrote: Eh, I'm 30. You have a second after shots are fired to intercept them; you just have to queue up your movements a little. Make sure you're back up against the wall to give yourself as much time as possible. Because moves can be queued up, you don't have to perfectly time anything. You just have to put in your next move before your current one is finished.
I'm sure I could have done it when I was 30, but that was 30 years ago.Eh, I'm 30. You have a second after shots are fired to intercept them; you just have to queue up your movements a little. Make sure you're back up against the wall to give yourself as much time as possible. Because moves can be queued up, you don't have to perfectly time anything. You just have to put in your next move before your current one is finished.
This was the key for me. I could never ever have opened the door by trying to move to intercept orbs as I saw them. I had to memorize the combination to the point where I could do the dance with my eyes closed. That doesn't take any reflexes, it just takes timing, which (for me at least) is much easier. Plus, the timing is tight enough at the end that it doesn't even take timing - just hit the keys as fast as the game will take them in the correct order, and you win. In the early stages, you do need to delay movement, but that part is easy anyway.Thels wrote:Do keep in mind the snowballs always come in the same order. You might want to write them down, and then follow your notes rather than watching the screen waiting for them to come.
More like playing Atari 2600 Kaboom!PSY wrote:There is no combo for the level 7 iron door.
It works like breakout. The demon faces will fire 30 magic 'missiles'. You have to catch all of them. After that, the iron door will open.
You miss a missile, game starts over ^^
Make sure you are not overloaded while doing this challenge.
Hustin wrote:PSY wrote:
More like playing Atari 2600 Kaboom!