I'd like there to be more tactical spells, even with the current 4 elemental specs.
Something simple like Fire + Earth leaving a flaming floor that does a (moderate damage) dot or ignites the enemy.
Perhaps traps such as:
Element (Fire / Ice / Lightning)
Earth (so the trap is on the floor)
Balance (stabilize the two elements together)
Physicality (bring the elements into a physical form)
Which would create a rune or something on the floor in the square directly in front, detonating if stepped on with the chosen element. perhaps even different elements having different effects such as Fire being pure damage, Ice freezing and Lightning arcing out hitting nearby (adjacent) enemies.
Runes Logic and Custom Spells
Re: Runes Logic and Custom Spells
I of Crimson Blood.
Re: Runes Logic and Custom Spells
Considering you're constantly strafing and moving around, I guess there's definitely room for some tactical spells, though I'm not sure I want to give each school a copy of each of the spells. They are already so very similar...
Re: Runes Logic and Custom Spells
Merethif, I really like the idea of enhancing potions by magic, great idea!Merethif wrote:Thels wrote:arconis wrote:<snip>
Also, as an alternative for healing spells maybe there could be "potion enhance" spells?
- Physicality + Life (68) + Healing Potion in hand = turn Healing Potion into Potion of Life, that restore health and grants temporary +50% health regeneration
- Physicality + Life + Earth (681) + Antivenom in hand = turn Antivenom into Potion of Purity, that heals poison and grants permanent tiny bonus to poison resistance (like +2).
- Physicality + Balance + Spirituality (654) + Energy Potion in hand = turn Energy Potion into Arcane Potion, that restores mana and grants temporary +50% mana regeneration
- Physicality + Life + Balance (685) + Antidote in hand = turn Antidote into Potion of Longevity, that cures disease and grants permanent tiny bonus to Health (like +2).
- Physicality + Life + Death + Balance + Spirituality (84562) + Arcane Potion in hand = turn Arcane Potion into Potion of Omniscience, that provide some Experience Points upon drinking (not too much but significant number).
and so on...

On the specific potion ideas, I have the fear that potions which change stats permanent could be game-mechanical wise dis-balancing. Maybe such potions should require some ingredient which is not available in abundance (antivenom potion or energy). A classical balancing idea could be the requirement of something seldom physical (some additional ingredient). Or, as a new idea, as something should be changed permanently the caster has give up some of his powers permanently (not only the fast regenerating energy). This could be the e.g. loosing 1-2 points of energy which represent the enduring focus & energy required by the caster to stabilize the wanted change in the physical world durable.
This motivated me to do some brainstorming in directing of alternative classes: How about extending the potion making business into a own class, some kind of "Tinkerer". Could also have several development ways (skill points): Healer (physical life potion mixing specialist: lvl 50 skill +permanent LP potion), Priest (focus on enhancing basic-potions by magic: temporarely characteristic enhancing potions, protection, lvl50 skill permanently increase resistance potion) or alchemist (changing of physical objects: creation of the Fire/Ice/poison-bombs, creation of arrows/traps, lvl 50: transmute material potion (hardening of armours/sharpening of weapons)). Such completly non-fighting focused class could be an intresting but tough back-row option... would weaken at first the partys damage output by 25% and would weaken survivabilty too (no or weak armour and low health of the tinkerer). But could in long-run increasing the survivabilty and damage output of the party significantly (stat changing potions, transmute of objects) but keeping the tinkerer alive would be always tricky.
Re: Runes Logic and Custom Spells
Late bump due to my poor reflexes 
Permanent lost of energy sounds like a reasonable solution as well.
- I'd like to add name Artificer to the poll. Tinkerer sounds a bit like a Rogue sub-class.
- There is a place for skills that include recharging weapons/items. Probably it would be the same that will enable bomb making.
- I'd rather merge the skills you named Healer and Priest. I'm not sure if there's place for separate healer and buffer.
- This class, as every other class, should be playable as front row character, so it would need skill like Staff Defence or Dodge. I think it would fit perfectly if this class gain access to light armour even earlier then mages. Maybe around 10 - 12 level of said skill (it's 8 for Fighter and 14 for Mage). I think it is even possible to make heavy armour available at some point for this class (around 25th level). What about Hammer Defence (Blacksmithing)? Such skill would increase Attack Power and Accuracy with maces, but instead of special mace attacks it would provide character with Armour Proficiencies.

Thanks for positive feedback. Increasing the importance of potions in the game was one of main purpose before my idea.badhabit wrote:Merethif, I really like the idea of enhancing potions by magic, great idea!In classical LoG game mechanic, adding one potion enhancing spell per magic domain would an idea. Such potions would also increase the importance of potions in the game, I would like that therefore too.
I agree. That's why I tried to made those permanent stat increasing potions doable only with potions that require more rare herbs to brew. Also I believe that 2 points increment is still reasonable - for example there are just about 10 Slime Bells in entire game so potentially it would provide party with additional 10-20 Health points.badhabit wrote:On the specific potion ideas, I have the fear that potions which change stats permanent could be game-mechanical wise dis-balancing. Maybe such potions should require some ingredient which is not available in abundance (...)
Permanent lost of energy sounds like a reasonable solution as well.
As much as I'm dedicated believer of classical triad of melee/ranged/caster classes and I'm sceptical to any forth class, I must admit your idea sounds interesting and somewhat fits original DM concept with potion-brewer called priest. Just some brainstorming:badhabit wrote:This motivated me to do some brainstorming in directing of alternative classes: How about extending the potion making business into a own class, some kind of "Tinkerer" (...)
- I'd like to add name Artificer to the poll. Tinkerer sounds a bit like a Rogue sub-class.
- There is a place for skills that include recharging weapons/items. Probably it would be the same that will enable bomb making.
- I'd rather merge the skills you named Healer and Priest. I'm not sure if there's place for separate healer and buffer.
- This class, as every other class, should be playable as front row character, so it would need skill like Staff Defence or Dodge. I think it would fit perfectly if this class gain access to light armour even earlier then mages. Maybe around 10 - 12 level of said skill (it's 8 for Fighter and 14 for Mage). I think it is even possible to make heavy armour available at some point for this class (around 25th level). What about Hammer Defence (Blacksmithing)? Such skill would increase Attack Power and Accuracy with maces, but instead of special mace attacks it would provide character with Armour Proficiencies.
Re: Runes Logic and Custom Spells
Agreed, way better name.Merethif wrote:As much as I'm dedicated believer of classical triad of melee/ranged/caster classes and I'm sceptical to any forth class, I must admit your idea sounds interesting and somewhat fits original DM concept with potion-brewer called priest. Just some brainstorming:
- I'd like to add name Artificer to the poll. Tinkerer sounds a bit like a Rogue sub-class.
Uh, yes! I completly forgot this aspect ... recharging. As you suggested, this should be combined, sounds right.Merethif wrote: - There is a place for skills that include recharging weapons/items. Probably it would be the same that will enable bomb making.
My idea was here, give the player choices... rewarding but also hard (or dangerous) choicesMerethif wrote: - I'd rather merge the skills you named Healer and Priest. I'm not sure if there's place for separate healer and buffer.

Here I was following another ideal, my ideal was driven from one hand from some society realism... a society is not only formed by people with fighting skills, so a random selection of prisoners should have a good chance to incorperate some fraudster or craftsman who was just unable to pay the tax or even a cook who failed the king on a meal. The other aspect, stronger differentiation between character classes should also somehow reflecting the strong divison of labor in successful societies. I have the vision that a stronger differentiated team should have potentially more power then a team consisting out of less specialisted and differentiated members. Downside of higher specialized treams, the selection is a final choice and therefore risk. Such a strong differentiation could be the introducion of very focused support classes which have only weak or no fighting and frontline capabilites. But this weakness would be disproportionately high compensated by increasing the effectivness of the other team members significantly. I think I would like such choice and challenge.Merethif wrote: - This class, as every other class, should be playable as front row character, so it would need skill like Staff Defence or Dodge.

More diversification sounds good, I'm in here too.Merethif wrote: What about Hammer Defence (Blacksmithing)? Such skill would increase Attack Power and Accuracy with maces, but instead of special mace attacks it would provide character with Armour Proficiencies.
Re: Runes Logic and Custom Spells
Does anyone have any idea how to create a freeze spell that does no damage, but always freezes the enemy for 5 to 10 seconds? That would be, well, "really cool"!Flashheart wrote:I was thinking that the Entangle spell would work similar to the Ice Spell which freezes enemies...i.e. it wears off after 5 to 10 seconds.

Re: Runes Logic and Custom Spells
Do custom spells hit their target yet or do they still pass through?
Dungeon Master and DOOM will live forever.
Re: Runes Logic and Custom Spells
ah here is the thread i was looking for.
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Re: Runes Logic and Custom Spells
How to create a new spell ? I have created an texture which I would like to be an ingame spell.