Where are you from LoG fans????
Re: Where are you from LoG fans????
Stockholm, Sweden
Re: Where are you from LoG fans????
Another one from the UK here!!!
Re: Where are you from LoG fans????
*Ahem* Sorry, just a heads up for the Almost Human guys... When you moved the topic from Game Discussion, it left a 'ghost' thread there. It redirects all the posts, but it's quite distracting to have it there. I believe you can turn off the setting for that in phpBB options.
Re: Where are you from LoG fans????
Arizona, United States
"The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents."
-H.P Lovecraft
^Admit it's greatness or get out!:P
-H.P Lovecraft
^Admit it's greatness or get out!:P
- graverubber
- Posts: 1
- Joined: Sat Mar 03, 2012 5:35 pm
Re: Where are you from LoG fans????
Santa Rosa, California, United States of America
I buried my knee in your wounded heart.
Re: Where are you from LoG fans????
North of Atlanta, Georgia, US
- Posts: 1
- Joined: Sat Mar 03, 2012 3:26 pm
Re: Where are you from LoG fans????
Berlin, Germany
Re: Where are you from LoG fans????
Melb0urne Australia
I"m currently camped 0utside Grimrock"s large d00rs waiting f0r them t0 creak 0pen with dust falling and the rush 0f c0ld air and the smell 0f death c0ming fr0m the stairs that lead d0wn...
I"m currently camped 0utside Grimrock"s large d00rs waiting f0r them t0 creak 0pen with dust falling and the rush 0f c0ld air and the smell 0f death c0ming fr0m the stairs that lead d0wn...

Re: Where are you from LoG fans????
Czech Republic, Plzen (Pilsen)
Looks like there is a bunch of Czechs following this wonderful game!
Looks like there is a bunch of Czechs following this wonderful game!