How Big?

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How Big?

Post by Snidge »

Really loving this game so far, it has such a polished feel to it, very slick and easy to play.

I got down onto level 3 on my 1st night, but now worried its a short game (like Limbo).

Dungeon Master was very big if I remember, I don't recall ever finishing it.

Is this game short? Do the levels get much bigger than levels 1-3? Roughly how many monsters are there?
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Re: How Big?

Post by Sheogorath »

Snidge wrote:Really loving this game so far, it has such a polished feel to it, very slick and easy to play.

I got down onto level 3 on my 1st night, but now worried its a short game (like Limbo).

Dungeon Master was very big if I remember, I don't recall ever finishing it.

Is this game short? Do the levels get much bigger than levels 1-3? Roughly how many monsters are there?
I'd say it's a short game as long as you don't get stuck on the puzzles. Hating myself for it now, I used the walkthrough on the first play through. Wasn't patient enough. :(

But yes, solving the puzzles fast and it's a short game.
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Re: How Big?

Post by Snidge »

Thanks for the reply - and the tip.

I have to say I got stuck on a puzzle on level 3 and after 5 minutes I jumped onto google for help . (..missed a key under some wrags!)

I'll refrain from doing that again to make the game last longer.

- Google didnt exist when Dungeon Master was around ;)
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Re: How Big?

Post by BadRaZoR »

I believe levels 1-12 are about the same size. The final level (13) is smallest.
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Re: How Big?

Post by leewroy »

Took me around 14 hours to finish. But I´m not counting the downtime I had to solve some puzzles, on my own or with faqs help.
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