I just finished playing Toorum on "easy".
I know, I know. This topic is about Toorum on hard; so what I write here is just for comparison.
He ended up as a lvl 15 Character with all the Valor armor available (except for the shield); and yet: the end-game is still as challenging. Even more challenging then expected.
Since you seem to have quite an easy game during most dungeon levels (really - the Uugardians and Goromorgs and ice-dinoasur-things and Ogres and Golems are really no trouble; you start playing like being lazy and like beeing in some kind of a "comfort-zone". And then "boss" strikes. And he is no less challenging (maybe hitpoint-wise?) then on hard... Took me a while to get used to challenging him.
I tell you: The first time I played LoG on hard. But playing it with Toorum on "easy" almost let me forget how hard "hard" was ... The "boss" let me remember. And it was a painful lessen with some re-loadings.
But to be frank here: The challenging part with the boss is especially the
huge amount of beasts blocking your way all the time; and if you don't take care enough, you end up in a dead-end... Hooray!
Anyway: Lotsa fun!
And this time I found all skulls and treasures and secrets in the game ... Sadly though ...
I did not find ONE SINGLE Toorum note ... I so much wonder why ...

Now it is time to play Toorum again - on hard, and more focussed on his magic abilities ...

Did anyone try this yet? I guess so ...
All the best!