Whats you favourite grid based Dungeon Crawler
Re: Whats you favourite grid based Dungeon Crawler
But you must have played Black Crypt. Amazing dungeon crawler for amiga only. Made by famous Raven Software.
http://amiga.esero.net/games.htm (look here for amiga version and manual)
There is a two level demo for PC available
http://amiga.esero.net/games.htm (look here for amiga version and manual)
There is a two level demo for PC available
- Radioman970
- Posts: 95
- Joined: Fri Mar 30, 2012 12:32 pm
- Location: it's getting dark here
Re: Whats you favourite grid based Dungeon Crawler
DM is mine too. I had it on amiga. I played that emulator a few years back. Couldn't stop, actually. It's amazing how small it is to have the whole series in it.Brogar wrote:Dungeon Master is my all time favorite. There's a couple of Amiga games not mentioned in this thread that I enjoyed a lot. They are Crystal Dragon and Black Crypt. I don't know if they were ever ported to PC, but if you have WinUAE (the Amiga emulator) you can download them from Planet Emu (a French website) http://planetemu.net/. Also there is the dungeon crawler Knightmare that was created by Anthony Crowther, the guy that made Captive. Here's a link to Return To Chaos ( http://ragingmole.com/RTC/ ) which is an excellent PC port by George Gilbert of Dungeon Master, Chaos Strikes Back and Dungeon Master 2. It also includes a level editor so you can create your own DM game. It works great with Windows XP. I don't know about Vista or Windows 7 though. That should be enough to keep you busy until the 11th.
I played and finished Black Crypt. Sharp looking game. Played Captive on the emulator but never owned it. Had the regular non-CD32 version of Liberation as well. Never completed it since I got a PC shortly after it came out and only turned on Amiga when I was missing it.
I played and think I finished Knightmare. Sure wanted to see that show but it wasn't anywhere here in the US. Last year I found it online and have fun watching it now and then, even though I'm old now. those kids are sometimes hilarious. And the host is a hoot! He sounds like the Dungeon Keeper narrator.
I'd take one of the four wooden clubs I was carrying and just bash open doors with it.
- if life were like Dungeon Master
I'd click FIREBALL much more on New Year's Eve
- if life were like Eye of the Beholder
- if life were like Dungeon Master
I'd click FIREBALL much more on New Year's Eve
- if life were like Eye of the Beholder
Re: Whats you favourite grid based Dungeon Crawler
I love you cryocore... and I want to have your babies.cryocore wrote:From my Avatar you can probably guess mine.
I see that Eye of the Beholder and Dungeon Master are noted as the inspiration for Grimrock, but for me it seem much more like a Lands of Lore inspired which is perfect in my mind. I am a devoted old school RPGer and games like this (and Wasteland 2 and Banner Saga) make me very happy indeed.
So what your fave old school grid dungeon crawler. Lands of Lore is king in my book, but EOB 1 and 2 are also great.
Heres my classic old school/big box + other RPG shelf. I do have a habit of posting this pic whenever I can.
As you can see no Dungeon Master, but I do own Stonekeep on GOG (lost that box years ago).
No seriously, I haven't seen a collection like that since my PS2/PC glory days before direct downloads took over the market.
- Radioman970
- Posts: 95
- Joined: Fri Mar 30, 2012 12:32 pm
- Location: it's getting dark here
Re: Whats you favourite grid based Dungeon Crawler
NOX is one I missed originally. I kept seeing in Walmart... picked it up last year at gog.com for 2.99 and for a while I played nothing else...and all that with Skyrim sitting on my PC doing nothing. lol
I'd take one of the four wooden clubs I was carrying and just bash open doors with it.
- if life were like Dungeon Master
I'd click FIREBALL much more on New Year's Eve
- if life were like Eye of the Beholder
- if life were like Dungeon Master
I'd click FIREBALL much more on New Year's Eve
- if life were like Eye of the Beholder
Re: Whats you favourite grid based Dungeon Crawler
Anyone else a huge fan of Bane of the Cosmic Forge (Wizardy)? That game started my love affair with PC gaming. Way back in 1990.

Re: Whats you favourite grid based Dungeon Crawler
I remember seeing the magazine add for the first Wizardry game in PC World or PC Magazine. It had a picture of a fireball in a dungeon hallway I think and I knew I had to have it. I couldn't believe they would have something so cool on the computer.
Re: Whats you favourite grid based Dungeon Crawler
I agree, DM2 definitely had it's flaws, however I was DOS all the way in my younger years and fortunately my DM2 ran quite well. It was really the different environments that got me. It was a great feeling exploring the shop area at the beginning of the game knowing it was safe, venturing through the rain and returning to the fireplace.petri wrote:I played DM2 almost to the end and although they had made some nice improvements to the engine I didn't like it nearly as much as DM/CSB. In particular the cartoony graphics, sloppy coding on Amiga, irritating minions and lack of good puzzles put me off. Never played Skullkeep because it was not available for my Amiga.

Stonekeep captured the atmosphere of the dungeon brilliantly for me. The combination of the higher animation frame rates, high texture detail and fully animated movement alongside the music and the sound really made it special, especially back in the day. It's ever since then that I've wanted to explore a LoG.

Re: Whats you favourite grid based Dungeon Crawler
Other than EOB, best I have ever played was...
as well as...
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Warloc ... p_Mountain
but they are books, lol. Played the first 24 books or something. Never understood how they messed up the games so much.
as well as...
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Warloc ... p_Mountain
but they are books, lol. Played the first 24 books or something. Never understood how they messed up the games so much.
- synthetictruism
- Posts: 23
- Joined: Mon Apr 02, 2012 11:05 am
- Location: UK
Re: Whats you favourite grid based Dungeon Crawler
ahhh! Fighting fantasy books - now you're talking!Spathi wrote:Other than EOB, best I have ever played was...
as well as...
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Warloc ... p_Mountain
but they are books, lol. Played the first 24 books or something. Never understood how they messed up the games so much.
I've still got my complete collection all boxed away - all the regular game books (the original 59, not the recent reprints) and all the supplimentary books including all the advanced FF stuff.
Creature of Havoc was my favourite (Deathtrap Dungeon and Crypt of the Sorceror get special mentions

Welcome back brave adventurers.
It is too bad you did not discover the true secret of the firestaff. Now that I have it I have no further need for you.
It is too bad you did not discover the true secret of the firestaff. Now that I have it I have no further need for you.
Re: Whats you favourite grid based Dungeon Crawler
The Lone Wolf books were better than Fighting Fantasy, that being said, the ultimate gaming books were Grail Quest by J H Brennan.

A gently fried snail slice is absolutely delicious with a pat of butter...