Some script questions

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Some script questions

Post by cromcrom »


will it be possible, in the editor, to:
create local variables ?
attach script to activable objects ?

Are there functions for random resuslts (like when I activate an object (say, an "Iron Vein") , I can randomize the number of Ore I can mine from whatever skills or tools I have equipped ) ?

I am looking forward creating a gathering system and a crafting system (with skills and random results), obviously from LUA .

Tx in advance :-)
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Re: Some script questions

Post by antti »

Yeah, you can create local variables and put custom script on usable objects. You cannot create new skills as such since they are hardcoded into the game but the rest of the things should be no problem.
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Re: Some script questions

Post by cromcrom »

Thanks for the fast answer.
It sounds great. Maybe I will find a way, through the use of inventory items or whatever, to show the stored variables, either local or global.
I wasn't really expecting to add some native-like skills, but some others skill like features. I already created quite a lot of mods, for NWN2, Mount and Blade ("Rigale") and a few others, I love world and environment interactions, and I am really really looking forward your tool.

Btw, will there be a place on the forum to present/discuss our projects/mods ?
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Re: Some script questions

Post by antti »

Yeah, I suspect there are ways for creating your own rudimentary skill systems but it would not mesh in very well with the original system of course. But it should be workable: you can store skill points into variables and display them using items that print text to HUD or maybe with scroll-like items that display text. I'm not 100% sure of the details of the execution but I'm sure you guys can figure something out. After all, that's part of the fun in modding! :)
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Re: Some script questions

Post by Komag »

Wow, that gives some clues and ideas as to what is possible, very interesting.
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Re: Some script questions

Post by Bridenal »

Speaking of which, any chance of being able to make new classes?
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