I think it's the modding 'Beta' official documentation, could be a very well kept secret... or I'm just dumb

I was quite surprised to find this actuallycromcrom wrote:It looks great, thanks a lot
While that's totally understandable, couldn't you guys (perhaps unoficially so you don't get bugged if it doesn't work for some) release the exporter for Modo, which I believe you guys used for most of the modelling? Asking purely out of self interest since I use it too. And I wouldn't have a clue how to write a custom exporter, I only know really basic python.The models and animations use custom file formats (.model and .animation) and we don’t provide exporters for these files (since there are just too numerous software packages out there for us to support) but instead, we provide the specifications for these formats that should enable the community to create plug-ins or converters for creating the assets.