The dungeon editor is in public beta right now. And we've got some bug hunting to do!
What we need all of you testers out there to do is to try out the editor to your hearts content and if you encounter anything suspicious (crashes, unexpected behavior, glitches etc), report back to here on this forum. But do check out [url="viewtopic.php?f=14&t=3017]the thread of known editor issues[/url] and try to search the forums a bit to see if there's an old thread on the topic already you could post into instead of starting a new thread.
Anyways, in addition to testing the editor, we definitely need help testing the main game as well: there's a LOT of changes under the hood and unfortunately we haven't had very much time to test it out. Start a new game or play through using Toorum mode or take your old saves and go from there: we need to test everything! And even if everything goes smoothly in your playthrough, you should report that here as well.

Also play through mods people have created and uploaded to Workshop or Grimrock Nexus and see if there's some suspicious behavior (even though sometimes it might be difficult to tell if the "suspicious behavior" is the level designer's fault or not

Oh, and we also have the modding documentation that we can also revise. If you have comments, suggestions, need for clarification or maybe even some important topics that you would like us to write about that we haven't covered yet (but keep in mind that we, of course, simply don't have time to write about everything).
I'll update this post if there's any specific area we need help testing in or some other beta editor -related annonucements. But this is it for now, have fun modding! (And take backups of your dungeons since this is a beta after all!