Dungeon Editor Public Beta

Talk about creating Grimrock 1 levels and mods here. Warning: forum contains spoilers!
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Re: Dungeon Editor Public Beta

Post by Aazlan »

Great stuff guys, played with the DE all night at work on my laptop. However I got home and was looking forward to a few more hours of messing around with it... and it CTDs loading the DE on my desktop. :cry:

Code: Select all

[string "Grimrock.lua"]:0: D3DError - Present() failed: E_FAIL
stack traceback:
	[C]: in function 'endRender'
	[string "Grimrock.lua"]: in function 'init'
	[string "Grimrock.lua"]: in main chunk
	[C]: in function 'require'
	init.lua: in main chunk

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Re: Dungeon Editor Public Beta

Post by Cirrus0 »

I saved my newly made dungeon, closed the editor and now i can't open the dungeon anymore...
Image of the error and the dungeon attached :)


https://www.dropbox.com/s/lqttw323pi544 ... n.zip?dl=1


Code: Select all

spawn("dungeon_pressure_plate", 11,12,1, "dungeon_pressure_plate_1")
	:addConnector("any", "dungeon_door_portcullis_1", "toggle")
	:addConnector("any", "timer_2", "toggle")
Please take a look at this section in the code, that's what makes the dungeon unloadable. Moving this section to the end, or changing it to a state where it is NOT triggered upon the loading of the dungeon removes the problem. (In the state that you can download the is a rock and the player spawn on top of this plate).
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Re: Dungeon Editor Public Beta

Post by lowzei »

I don't know if this has been reported already but i tried a few key-lock-door things and it seemed to me that the lock only was responding to the key when the lock was refering to the name instead of the id of the key.
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Re: Dungeon Editor Public Beta

Post by Komag »

yes, this is because it goes by the type of key, not specific key
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Re: Dungeon Editor Public Beta

Post by lowzei »

Yes my fault, i just realised this as well. Maybe it would be nice having a lock to respond in both ways via the inspector. General type of key or a specific one.

Thinking of the inspector it aso would be nice if a teleporterfield would have an option to flip your facing direction relative to where you're coming from. This way you wouldn't have to stack several teleporters for building a spinnerfield which can be accessed from more directions and which just wants to flip your view.

Anyway it's late, im out for today.
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Re: Dungeon Editor Public Beta

Post by Lmaoboat »

I don't know if anyone's suggested this or not, but I would be great to be able to toggle that visibility of different things in the editor, so you could say, add a bunch of cosmetic stuff without it cluttering the other things.
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Re: Dungeon Editor Public Beta

Post by Komag »

yes, it's in the EDITOR request wish list thread
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Re: Dungeon Editor Public Beta

Post by Grimwold »

I have the same "Could not open dungeon" error as mentioned above...


Thanks to the earlier post I was able to track down the cause to the following snippet

Code: Select all

spawn("dungeon_pressure_plate", 4,9,0, "dungeon_pressure_plate_1")
	:addConnector("deactivate", "dungeon_secret_door_3", "open")
	:addConnector("deactivate", "dungeon_secret_door_4", "open")
	:addConnector("deactivate", "dungeon_secret_door_2", "open")
This pressure plate is activated by monsters only and a skeleton warrior is spawned on top of the plate.

If the offending code is removed the dungeon will load, but naturally the plate is missing. If the code is moved below the entry for the monster that spawns on it, then the dungeon will load, but the pressure plate will never be activated and the secret doors remain closed.
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Re: Dungeon Editor Public Beta

Post by Shroom »

Am loving the editor!! Fantastic the work you have put into it - as I get used to it I am loving it more!

Keep getting a crash in windows 7 - grimrock.exe has stopped working.

BEX is something to do with a buffer overflow exception from what I can gather with a quick google - Its happening when I left the preview running and had a bunch of skele warriors pinging about numerous teleporters - if I leave it long enough (minutes) it crashes.

He is the details output:-

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BEX
Application Name: grimrock.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 504f405e
Fault Module Name: XAudio2_7.dll_unloaded
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 4c0641e5
Exception Offset: 716aa5e0
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Data: 00000008
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 2057
Additional Information 1: 0a9e
Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Additional Information 3: 0a9e
Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
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Re: Dungeon Editor Public Beta

Post by Grimwold »

I have another pre-activated pressure plate error... this time if it activates a spawner, the resulting monster has an invalid ID and the following error message appears when I try to preview the level:


The following are the relevant snippets from dungeon.lua

Code: Select all

spawn("dungeon_pressure_plate", 22,5,0, "dungeon_pressure_plate_1")
	:addConnector("activate", "dungeon_pit_6", "close")
	:addConnector("any", "spawner_4", "activate")
spawn("spawner", 19,8,0, "spawner_4")
spawn("cudgel", 22,5,3, "cudgel_1")
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