Hidden switches: more than "loose rock"s?

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Hidden switches: more than "loose rock"s?

Post by trentjaspar »

Hi there. I'm fairly new to the game, on level 3 (and already planning on starting over!).
I've seen several of the "loose rock" type of hidden switches in the game-- you know, the little divot in the corner of one of the cinderblocks that serves as a switch. Early on, I used to scour every block looking for a tiny little graphical hint of a more subtle switch. I soon stopped that as 1) I never found anything and 2) it looked like all of the switches were of the "loose rock" variety.

My question: are there any other hidden switches beyond the tried-and-true loose rock? Can I save my eyes from straining, or worrying that I missed some new hidden switch, and just keep my eyes open for "loose rocks"?

Thanks for any insight. :)
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Re: Hidden switches: more than "loose rock"s?

Post by Dr.Disaster »

Keep on looking. There is more behind "loose rock"s, especialy when the tile set changes ...
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Re: Hidden switches: more than "loose rock"s?

Post by Komag »

I would say don't keep looking or you'll waste a lot of time. There are two types of buttons, the little corner loose rock and the larger square not-very-hidden one in the middle of one of the bricks

on the lower levels there are different styles, so look carefully again at that point, but once you learn them then that's all there is.
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Re: Hidden switches: more than "loose rock"s?

Post by Dr.Disaster »

Komag wrote:on the lower levels there are different styles, so look carefully again at that point, but once you learn them then that's all there is.
Well i would not be that quick there. One of those upcoming styles is really easy to pass by. It fooled me more then once which speaks of it's quality.
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Re: Hidden switches: more than "loose rock"s?

Post by trentjaspar »

Komag wrote:There are two types of buttons, the little corner loose rock and the larger square not-very-hidden one in the middle of one of the bricks
Oh yes, the rectangular switches. I guess I wasn't counting those as "hidden," but yes they are more hidden than wall switches or pull-chains.
Komag wrote:on the lower levels there are different styles, so look carefully again at that point, but once you learn them then that's all there is.
Okay-- sounds like as long as I'm on this initial tile-set, I'm good-to-go. But once the tile-set changes I'll need to look out for new types of switches...though perhaps not more than 1-2 different types per tile-set.

Thanks, all.
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