Dungeon Editor Public Beta

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Re: Dungeon Editor Public Beta

Post by Montis »

Xzalander wrote:Edit: never mind.

Did a test in a large open room, it is causing an infinite loop. I just cant tell because I have the portals silent and invisible.

Bad placing I guess. Oh well will have to alter a bit.
You could try to disable the opposite teleporter when stepping inside one with a hidden pressure plate. Then use additional hidden plates in the adjacent squares to turn it back on again. Don't know if that works though since you might actually get teleported before the party has a chance to activate the pressure plate.
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Re: Dungeon Editor Public Beta

Post by jseverson »

I bought the game on GOG, but would like to be a part of the editor beta. Do I have to purchase it on Steam as well?
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Re: Dungeon Editor Public Beta

Post by Komag »

that's what I did! got GOG version first (was a sale), then last week happily paid full price from Grimrock.net site directly (fulfilled through HumbleBundle) and got steam key.

Xzalander, first thing, you gotta start using "Y" to place your starting location! It's much faster, just hover your mouse where you want it and hit Y. ;)

Second, it's definitely nothing do to with the teleporters being near doors. I'm guessing you want the player who steps in front of one door to be teleported to the other one and vice versa, but just one time for each instance:
- create two teleporters (which you already have) and set their Initial State to "Deactivated"
- create two hidden pressure plates in the same squares as the teleporters
- create two timers, placed nearby the plates (set to default 1 second is fine)
- connect the first plate to its teleporter (Event - activate, Action - activate)
- connect the first plate to its timer (Event - activate, Action - activate)
- repeat for the second plate (connecting to its teleporter and timer)
- connect the first timer to its teleporter (Action - deactivate)
- connect the first timer to itself (Action - deactivate)
- repeat for the second timer (connecting to its teleporter and itself)
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Re: Dungeon Editor Public Beta

Post by Emciel »

i'm pretty sure the insertItem() is bugged
returns the error
"bad argument #2 ... (Item expected, got ???)"
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Re: Dungeon Editor Public Beta

Post by WeApOn »

I have a pit, but I do not fall through when I stand on it. Is it a requirement to have a floor beneath the pit in order to fall through? I simply want the player to fall to death if they walk on the pit.

Also, is it possible to make a door open when you TAKE a torch from a torch_holder, as opposed to when you place one there?
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Re: Dungeon Editor Public Beta

Post by Komag »

did you press F1 to turn off collisions? That will make you float over pits
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Re: Dungeon Editor Public Beta

Post by Montis »

WeApOn wrote:I have a pit, but I do not fall through when I stand on it. Is it a requirement to have a floor beneath the pit in order to fall through? I simply want the player to fall to death if they walk on the pit.

Also, is it possible to make a door open when you TAKE a torch from a torch_holder, as opposed to when you place one there?
Yes and yes to your questions.

For the first question, if you want to create pits that kill the player, either create a very deep hole (like 10 levels) or use an instant death square in the pit.

For the second question, you might want to watch the video tutorials from Komag, specifically this part.
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Re: Dungeon Editor Public Beta

Post by Trotim »

The Dungeon Editor crashes from time to time, even if all I do is leave it open and do nothing with it. Happens pretty regularly but I can't point to why.

Win7 dumps me this info, sorry for the German:

Code: Select all

  Problemereignisname:	BEX
  Anwendungsname:	grimrock.exe
  Anwendungszeitstempel:	50587c6b
  Fehlermodulname:	XAudio2_7.dll_unloaded
  Fehlermodulzeitstempel:	4c0641e5
  Ausnahmeoffset:	6fa2a5e0
  Ausnahmecode:	c0000005
  Ausnahmedaten:	00000008
  Betriebsystemversion:	6.1.7600.
  Gebietsschema-ID:	1031
  Zusatzinformation 1:	0a9e
  Zusatzinformation 2:	0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
  Zusatzinformation 3:	0a9e
  Zusatzinformation 4:	0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
The dungeon file or anything aren't affected and I can just launch the game again and resume. Still annoying
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Re: Dungeon Editor Public Beta

Post by Whalefish »

Trotim, same happens with me. Like every 15-20 min.

However, I have a question about scripting.
I've never done lua (or almost any scripting/coding) before, just copying from other peoples scripts and trying to learn from them.
Is it possible to create a stack of stackable items?

In example:
local arrowSack = spawn("sack")

I want to have 4 arrows in the sack (in the alcove), is it possible to spawn the arrows in a stack?
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Re: Dungeon Editor Public Beta

Post by zeltak »

I've encountered a couple of glitches in the editor or then my own dungeon is corrupted in some way. Characters take time to time some poison damage. This happens irregularly. Sometimes the screen shows poison hit, sometimes not. Sometimes couple of charactes take it simultaneously, sometimes just one. And yes, there are no sources for that poison damage anywhere near when it happens. This happens both on testing on editor or testing in the main game.

Other oddity is that the game crashes sometimes (quite often in fact) on one of my levels. It crashes when the level is loaded again, from a save game or from coming to that level again from stairs. It says something about torches and strings :? From this I already sent an error log to Almost Human. It doesn't crash when testing on editor itself.
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