[MOD] Eye of the Beholder: Waterdeep Sewers

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Re: EOB: Waterdeep Sewers

Post by xdeath »

thomson wrote:As for the "red hurting someone's eyes", I think it is ok as it is now. I propose to stick as close to the original as possible. One will say that red is too red, then someone else will say that the straight corridor is too boring, let's add some loot there. Other will comment on monsters being too easy, so will we have ogres on level 1. See? That's a road to nowhere.

My understanding is that goal of this work is to recreate EOB1 as closely as possible.
Simply put, the deep red walls don't look so good in Grimrocks engine.

When I meant "hard on the eyes": I didn't mean that it hurt, I meant that it was distracting. It ruins the immersion and doesn't capture the same feeling as the original despite being the same colour.
What made EOB special, for me, was atmosphere. That red ruins the atmosphere.

If you want to create EOB1 as closely as possible, then you might as well ditch the Grimrock engine and start from scratch.
AFAIK you can't change classes and races. You can substitute, change names and context, but it still comes down to four races and three classes.
AFAIK, the magic casting system can't be changed, spells are learned only by reading scrolls(IIRC you learned new spells at level up in EOB).

I'm gonna reference another good mod recreation, Black Mesa. It changed a lot from the original Half-Life, and yet still managed to capture the same feeling.
Far superior to Half-Life: Source.

tl; dr You can't just carbon copy EOBs assets into Grimrocks engine and expect it to look good, also there are other things om the current Dungeon editor/engine that are effectively limiting EOBs recreation.
Last edited by xdeath on Thu Sep 27, 2012 11:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: EOB: Waterdeep Sewers

Post by crisman »

I've tried it, and it looks fantastic!
But I wanted to warn you about some problems I've encountered!

On level 2, I've managed to fall down a pit, falling into the void on level 3 :S
I opened the pit while I was standing on it by mistake... seems the falling has priority over the teleporter.
You should try to add a delay of 0.1 - 0.2 sec when opening them ;)

Onether problem is the dagger lock: if you use stacked daggers, the lock will consume all of them!

Anyway, I can't wait to play this! ;)
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Re: EOB: Waterdeep Sewers

Post by NightLord »

How i must do to try the mod?
I've downloaded tha dat file from nexus, where i put it?
thank you
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Re: EOB: Waterdeep Sewers

Post by takis76 »

You put the .dat file in your documents directory

C:\Documents and Settings\(user)\my documents\Almost Human\Legend of Grimrock\Dungeons

In your documents folder there is a folder Almost Human
And in this folder is the Legend of Grimrock.
In Legend of Grimrock folder there is a Dungeons folder.

Put all dungeons and mods you download in there. All dungeons now will appear in custom dungeons menu in the game.
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Re: EOB: Waterdeep Sewers

Post by djoldgames »

takis76 wrote:Guys how to create wallsets?
I have a lots of wallsets ready from my Eye of the Beholder 4, but how do I put them and create custom wallsets for Legend of Grimrock?

Any Idea to start play?

Also the wallset from EOB1 will be available for other players to create dungeons?

I have seen there is and another wallset from "This rotten place" does this wallset will be available to the public to able to put them in our dungeons?

Thank you :)
Creating a new wallset is lot of work ;-)
I created it by using some models from "This rotten place" and default grimrock assets. Next step was change the "material" node in these model files (I use the hexa editor for that). Final step was creating new textures (or retexturing the original) for all used objects in the mod.
My wallset "Sewers" is still work in progress...

And yes, if I created complete (and good looking) wallset I would like it to be available for public.

Can you post your Eye of the Beholder 4 wall texture anywhere as screenshot? I'm curious.
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Re: EOB: Waterdeep Sewers

Post by takis76 »

I had post my wallsets somewhere in the forums here in the past, but I am not remember the thread. Anyway.

My wallsets are for Eye of the Beholder engines and are 2D textures. Also need to be resized I just send you one sample what kind of wallsets will my game have.


The Grimrock Engine is 3D , but if I have one simple model, might will be easy to change the texture.

Try this texture is Larger:

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EOB Wall Textures

Post by djoldgames »

takis76 wrote:I had post my wallsets somewhere in the forums here in the past, but I am not remember the thread. Anyway.
My wallsets are for Eye of the Beholder engines and are 2D textures. Also need to be resized I just send you one sample what kind of wallsets will my game have.
:-) your textures are from old game and unusable for the Grimrock engine. If you only resize texture to 1024x1024, in the game it will looks horrible.

You must create new textures from scratch in high resolution (for the best looking texture, it is recomended to create 3D model of the wall - to create better normal maps). Next part of work with textures is creating all three image maps (diffuse map, normal map and specular map) for each texture and export it to proper format - DDS.

This is my base "sewers" textures (diffuse maps) in low-res as example:

Actual (old) texture for 70% walls in my wallset:

New - more realistic texture:
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Re: EOB: Waterdeep Sewers

Post by takis76 »

The second one is perfect.

There are a lots of free textures in the internet, but you need to create and 3D model too.
I am not good in 3D modeling.
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Re: EOB: Waterdeep Sewers

Post by Neikun »

Hey DJ, are you ever going to release your wallsets for public use?
That realistic looks awesome.
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Re: EOB: Waterdeep Sewers

Post by Komag »

Yes I really like that second one too!
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