Although the mod documentation is very good, I think it might be of use to have a wiki that the community can maintain. We could put all the useful scripts, custom alcoves and whatnot in there in their own category and any contributor could maintain the index.
I don't really have the resources to set up one but I could still imagine it being hugely useful. Maybe even Almost Human would want to give us a hand in this?
Before we jumpstart anything here I would actually like to have some kind of input from Almost Human. Maybe they planned or would like a wiki themselves (shared login for forum and wiki would be awesome) and then having two wikis in the end would be quite redundant.
But if not we will definitely take you up on the offer
I'll be more than happy to contribute on Lua side of things
As for what I'd like to learn from there is how to implement/change models (Step by step), from simple items, through wallsets, particle effects and monsters with animations.
But right now it's what Montis said: we have to wait for some official words in this matter.
Agreed about waiting for an official response - I just got too excited 'twas all! I have an 80% written tutorial for replacing textures that I wrote on my iPad while in London and was wondering where to put it. A wiki would be the perfect place.
If AlmostHuman hosted it, then perhaps they could allow the uploading of re-textured assets...?
My Grimrock Projects Page with links to the Grimrock Model Toolkit, GrimFBX, Atlas Toolkit, QuickBar, NoteBook and the Oriental Weapons Pack.
JohnWordsworth wrote:Agreed about waiting for an official response - I just got too excited 'twas all! I have an 80% written tutorial for replacing textures that I wrote on my iPad while in London and was wondering where to put it. A wiki would be the perfect place.
I think everyone would be more than happy if you just put it on forums here (for the time being)
I think we need a clear and concise place somewhere on the internet to post resources for all the new game designers the editor has created.
Whatever gets us that, wait for AH's blessing, then full steam ahead.
@Blichew: Good point. I'm rather anal about organisation, so it pains me to just drop it in a forum post - but you're right, it would still serve the purpose!
Thanks for the go ahead @petri. If everyone is happy with me just going ahead and setting up a Media Wiki on some random domain name with my current hosting (it supports many more domains and DBs than I currently use), then you're more than welcome to integrate it with your site at a later date - I can obviously just provide the DB and the PHP scripts if you decide in 6 months time you would like it as a sub-domain on your site.
Any advice from mods / admins around here as to what the preferred setup / domain name would be would be greatly appreciated. I guess we should have a login system for editors (to prevent spam bots from ruining the site) and perhaps start by setting up Mods here as Admins there? Any thoughts about the domain name too would be appreciated.
My Grimrock Projects Page with links to the Grimrock Model Toolkit, GrimFBX, Atlas Toolkit, QuickBar, NoteBook and the Oriental Weapons Pack.