I wonder if it's possible to cast a spell as the party enters somewhere, like darkness, for example... it could be a cool effect, like some wind turns off all torchs... and how can I make "light" spell forbidden, to make it worse.... any ideas?
maybe with a spawn object for darkness?
a spell launched by the dungeon?
a spell launched by the dungeon?
ad&d / ff / d&d
Re: a spell launched by the dungeon?
You could use the onCastSpell hook, cancel the light spell & print a message "hahah your worthless magic won't help you now!"
Re: a spell launched by the dungeon?
Or would it be possible to make the light spell last shorter time? Something like 15-30 seconds, to make torches more needful.. (ok I know, that sounds pretty unfair

Re: a spell launched by the dungeon?
I created a script in my dungeon that randomly blows out all the party's active torches.
it checks for equipped torches and then replaces them with an extinguished torch item. It's attached to a timer and and has a chance to trigger on each interval so it can't be easily predicted by the players.
it checks for equipped torches and then replaces them with an extinguished torch item. It's attached to a timer and and has a chance to trigger on each interval so it can't be easily predicted by the players.