[MOD] Eye of the Beholder: Waterdeep Sewers

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Re: [MOD] Eye of the Beholder: Waterdeep Sewers

Post by Juppstein »

djoldgames wrote:@Jup: Thank you for the nice model, only the working normal maps in GMT we need ;-)

Other choice is using only the ladder model (without pit) in combination with default grimrock pit/shaft model:
I'd stay with the two separate models with smaller shafts. It somehow looks nicer than filling the whole thing with a pit trap. Also if you would place it as you do then it would not be obvious to the player which way the ladder goes.
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Re: EOB: Waterdeep Sewers

Post by Isaac »

Grimwold wrote:I checked it, made a test dungeon with just the zip contents; and it works. You definitely have to place the separate Ladder_Up object on the lower floor.[
Please believe me when I say I DID place the ladder_up object.. I work in IT as a network admin, so I'm not that dense.

I re-downloaded everything, created a blank dungeon and added everything for the ladder and still no graphic in the lower floor (though it functions 100%). I'll try the whole thing again on my gaming PC at home as it might be something to do with this heap of junk office PC.
Oh I believe you, but I'm at a loss about it.
So we've both worked in IT, and we both know that the silliest simple mistake can make us pull hair out looking for a complex answer ~until the we suddenly see it ~(and usually swear aloud about it). *And the mistake could easily be mine.

I would say check the Ladder_Up model in the GMT and see if it loads; and see if it loads with textures or as base white; (it will show in the game as white though).

Even better, would be if someone else tries the mod and has the same issue or not, and posts it. I will be updating the zip file soon, as I want to adjust the bottom shaft to match the top one; and possibly change the sounds so it doesn't make the lever noise or scream when you use the ladder.

Try this: On your map, make the cell that is behind where the ladder should be into open space, instead of a wall; do you then see the ladder?
Last edited by Isaac on Mon Oct 08, 2012 8:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [MOD] Eye of the Beholder: Waterdeep Sewers

Post by Juppstein »

In that case I'll leave the model as it is until you release your version. No sense in doing double work on the same file. The idea to move models to google docs sounds more sensible by the minute since I saw that there is a check in, check out feature there. We always worked with a CVS system when we did NWN custom content because 6 people working on the same stuff tends to end in miserable chaos :D
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Re: [MOD] Eye of the Beholder: Waterdeep Sewers

Post by Isaac »

Juppstein wrote:In that case I'll leave the model as it is until you release your version. No sense in doing double work on the same file. The idea to move models to google docs sounds more sensible by the minute since I saw that there is a check in, check out feature there. We always worked with a CVS system when we did NWN custom content because 6 people working on the same stuff tends to end in miserable chaos :D
It's updated now. I think the previous Zip had a ladder mesh with an incorrect (center) offset that caused it to appear behind the wall it was placed at. This should be fixed now.
(and updated again 10/9/12)
New link: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B2XjRU ... jZ1akczS0E

It also works very well to omit the the fall through the pit and just use a teleporter to get them down there instead. The ladders are offset and it still has the feeling of downward or upward travel.
Last edited by Isaac on Tue Oct 09, 2012 9:56 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [MOD] Eye of the Beholder: Waterdeep Sewers

Post by djoldgames »

I will try to create public devel version of EOB and upload it to google docs. But first I must do the lot of code cleaning / refactoring in my dirty scripts ;-)

Any tips for right naming objects / materials / texture and model files / etc.? It would be good to create something like "design pattern" for EOB stuff names...

MAPS: we have skilled programmer (Bifrost) who created for me exporter of all maps from original EOB data files with output to standard Grimrock dungeon format "##..". So you will be able to download all maps in this text format soon.
Last edited by djoldgames on Tue Oct 09, 2012 10:32 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [MOD] Eye of the Beholder: Waterdeep Sewers

Post by Isaac »

djoldgames wrote:@Isaac:
I will try to create public devel version of EOB and upload it to google docs. But first I must do the lot of code cleaning / refactoring in my dirty scripts ;-)

Any tips for right naming objects / materials / texture and model files / etc.? It would be good to create something like "design pattern" for EOB stuff names...
* Prefix everything in the mod with "eob_", and you can type 'eob' in the filter and see only the mod assets.
(You could also append the section title as well; IE. "eob_sewer","eob_dwarf_", "eob_drow" for assets that are in the three levels of each ruins)

*Define every prop as a custom clone with no overrides ~use those to detail your maps; change the defines later (or not... but you'll have the option to globally update every instance in the dungeon if you choose to).

* Here is a list of every item in the game.

* The Clue book is not always accurate; I know of a couple things not found in it; or found to be different; when in doubt I explore the original game to see it first hand.

**I am leaning towards a stylized reinterpretation of the level graphics ~myself; so even if we wind up with several versions, they needn't (or won't likely) all be the exact same mod. 8-)
Last edited by Isaac on Tue Oct 09, 2012 9:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [MOD] Eye of the Beholder: Waterdeep Sewers

Post by ARchie2048 »

If it helps please check old Walktrough you will find maps item-s game characteristics there.
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Re: [MOD] Eye of the Beholder: Waterdeep Sewers

Post by thomson »

A quick suggestion: When you update new version to steam, could you rename it contain the full "Eye of the beholder" in its name?

I've just compared your mod with the other one. They have over 6 times more unique visitors. One likely reason for that is that people coming just search for the full name (or just beholder) and end up in the wrong dungeon! Getting more visitors is always better, as some of them may be future contributors.

BTW that new ladder looks awesome.
[MOD] Eye of the Beholder: Waterdeep sewers forum sources; Grimtools (LoG1 -> LoG2 converter) sources
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Post by djoldgames »

Level maps (1-6) uploaded on my personal blog: http://www.oldgames.sk/en/blog.php?article=350#sources. (sorry for non English version, but there is a google translator drop/down menu in the top of the page)
Levels are extracted from the original version of Eye of the Beholder with all objects in the map. But for now, only Level 1 has the objects generated from default grimrock "dungeon" set.

Now with the improved scripts by Bifrost, we can make a default EOB level "skelet" for each map. With some fine tuning and custom object instance names ( like "eob_sewers_wall_drainage"), I think, this will be verery usefull.

This is EOB level 1 (experimental) completly generated by the script:

Code: Select all

spawn("dungeon_cave_in", 3, 1, 1, "cave_in_1_3_1_W")
spawn("dungeon_door_metal", 2, 3, 1, "door_1_2_3")
spawn("lock", 1, 4, 1, "wall_lock_1_1_4_E")
spawn("wall_button", 6, 4, 1, "wall_button_1_6_4_E")
spawn("dungeon_stairs_down", 1, 5, 2, "stairs_down_1_1_5")
spawn("dungeon_door_portcullis", 4, 5, 1, "portcullis_1_4_5")
spawn("dungeon_alcove", 6, 5, 1, "wall_alcove_1_6_5_E")
spawn("blocker", 22, 9, 1, "blocker_1_22_9")
spawn("dungeon_door_metal", 16, 11, 0, "door_1_16_11")
spawn("dungeon_wall_text", 18, 12, 1, "wall_rune_1_18_12_E")
spawn("receptor", 20, 11, 2, "pipe_1_20_11_S")
spawn("receptor", 20, 13, 0, "pipe_1_20_13_N")
spawn("lever", 13, 14, 0, "wall_lever_1_13_14_N")
spawn("dungeon_door_metal", 14, 13, 0, "door_1_14_13")
spawn("dungeon_door_metal", 18, 13, 0, "door_1_18_13")
spawn("dungeon_door_metal", 22, 13, 0, "door_1_22_13")
spawn("wall_button", 23, 12, 2, "wall_button_1_23_12_S")
spawn("dungeon_cave_in", 10, 14, 0, "cave_in_1_10_14_S")
spawn("dungeon_wall_drainage", 16, 14, 3, "wall_drainage_bent_1_16_14_W")
spawn("dungeon_wall_drainage", 14, 14, 1, "wall_drainage_bent_1_14_14_E")
spawn("dungeon_pressure_plate", 22, 14, 2, "pressure_plate_1_22_14")
spawn("dungeon_wall_drainage", 19, 17, 3, "wall_drainage_1_19_17_W")
spawn("dungeon_wall_drainage", 17, 17, 1, "wall_drainage_1_17_17_E")
spawn("dungeon_pressure_plate", 22, 17, 2, "pressure_plate_1_22_17")
spawn("blocker", 8, 18, 3, "blocker_1_8_18")
spawn("dungeon_pressure_plate", 13, 18, 1, "pressure_plate_1_13_18")
spawn("dungeon_door_metal", 14, 18, 1, "door_1_14_18")
spawn("lever", 18, 19, 0, "wall_lever_1_18_19_N")
spawn("dungeon_door_metal", 19, 18, 0, "door_1_19_18")
spawn("wall_button", 15, 19, 3, "wall_button_1_15_19_W")
spawn("dungeon_door_metal", 22, 19, 0, "door_1_22_19")
spawn("dungeon_ceiling_shaft", 25, 19, 2, "ceiling_shaft_1_25_19")
spawn("blocker", 6, 21, 3, "blocker_1_6_21")
spawn("dungeon_secret_button_large", 19, 21, 3, "secret_button_large_1_19_21_W")
spawn("dungeon_wall_drainage", 25, 21, 3, "wall_drainage_1_25_21_W")
spawn("dungeon_wall_drainage", 23, 21, 1, "wall_drainage_1_23_21_E")
spawn("dungeon_secret_button_large", 25, 21, 1, "secret_button_large_1_25_21_E")
spawn("dungeon_door_metal", 8, 22, 0, "door_1_8_22")
spawn("wall_button", 9, 21, 2, "wall_button_1_9_21_S")
spawn("dungeon_wall_drainage", 13, 21, 2, "wall_drainage_1_13_21_S")
spawn("dungeon_wall_drainage", 13, 23, 0, "wall_drainage_1_13_23_N")
spawn("dungeon_wall_text", 15, 23, 0, "wall_rune_1_15_23_N")
spawn("wall_button", 8, 23, 3, "wall_button_1_8_23_W")
spawn("dungeon_pressure_plate", 16, 23, 1, "pressure_plate_1_16_23")
spawn("dungeon_door_metal", 17, 23, 1, "door_1_17_23")
spawn("dungeon_stairs_down", 18, 23, 1, "stairs_down_1_18_23_W")
spawn("receptor", 8, 24, 3, "pipe_1_8_24_W")
spawn("receptor", 6, 24, 1, "pipe_1_6_24_E")
spawn("dungeon_alcove", 12, 25, 0, "wall_alcove_1_12_25_N")
spawn("dungeon_secret_button_small", 16, 24, 1, "button_small_1_16_24_E")
spawn("receptor", 20, 23, 2, "pipe_1_20_23_S")
spawn("receptor", 20, 25, 0, "pipe_1_20_25_N")
spawn("dungeon_door_metal", 22, 24, 0, "door_1_22_24")
spawn("blocker", 11, 26, 3, "blocker_1_11_26")
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Re: [MOD] Eye of the Beholder: Waterdeep Sewers

Post by Juppstein »

Let me tell you that this is more or less super awesomesauce. Given that scripting or programming is like a book with seven seals to me I can only lift my hat to you guys. It's magic.
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