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Re: monsters

Post by Komag »

that sounds really awesome, I'm so glad you're working on this, it's going to be a great benefit to the community!
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Re: monsters

Post by wallasaurus »

Finished the last couple of bits to do with the surface import.

Next will be export and testing that data in game. I'll need to figure out how to setu a simple mod framework first so I can drop in a newly exported file and test it (or watch it crash) so it might take me some time to figure that part out.

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Re: monsters

Post by Mutman »

Here are some nice pictures

It is from czech dungeon crawler game Brány Skeldalu from 1998, which was great :)
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Re: monsters

Post by wallasaurus »

Fixing up the exporter is going a bit slower as I need to figure out some ways to convert data from max to .model format which are not just copy and paste-able.

I'm still working on it though! I have a file exporting, but it has some garbage in it I need to clean up and fix. :)
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Re: monsters

Post by Komag »

sounds like you're getting close, cool!
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Re: monsters

Post by wallasaurus »

Ok bit of progress, still sick which sucks.

Thanks to the grimrock toolkit for helping me validate my export from max, I had a lot of hassle sorting out the number of verts, but in the end I am just not optimising them for now.

Still to do - skin weights etc. and to try one of these data in game. :)

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Re: monsters

Post by war_dog »

may i suggest a Displacer beast , 2 Drows (female fighter and male sorcerer) and a Drider

Displacer Beast


Physical description
Displacer beasts are large cat-like creatures with six legs and a pair of long tentacles sprouting from their shoulders. They are covered in a pelt of blue-black fur. They are usually about 9 feet long and weigh as much as 500 pounds, but the occasional mutant can be twice this size.

Displacer beasts use their innate magic to bend light, making them appear to be a foot or two from their actual positions.

These monsters live in small groups or prefer to be alone.[3] Many humanoids train them to act as guards or pets, such as evil fey and onis.

Like many big cats, displacer beasts are often pack hunters, although they are sometimes encountered alone.



Drow are a dark-skinned sub-race of elves. Drow have obsidian colored skin silver or white hair, the latter being by far the most common.

Driders are drow that have been transformed from the waist down so they have the body of a spider. The transformation is typically a punishment for offending their goddess, or failing a test of Lolth.

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Re: monsters

Post by thomson »

Would it be possible to modify snail mesh to get rid of the shell? Guys remaking Eye of the Beholder could really use leeches that plagued level 1. Perhaps one way of achieving this would be to make the shell completely transparent? Of course getting rid of it altogether would be more preferable.

Here's an image of leech from the original EOB:
[MOD] Eye of the Beholder: Waterdeep sewers forum sources; Grimtools (LoG1 -> LoG2 converter) sources
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Re: monsters

Post by D@nzingtree »

A Teapot-Golem?
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Re: monsters

Post by Grimwold »

D@nzingtree wrote:A Teapot-Golem?
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