About Mods in general/Finished mods

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Re: About Mods in general/Finished mods

Post by HaunterV »

It's up to the Mod Maker to provide that information it seems.

That being said it's time for the community to lead by example.

I suggest we draw up guidelines for acceptable submission information for Steam workshop.
  • Length
    estimated playtime
    content (Monstly combat, mostly puzzle, etc..)
Keep the list going please, and then the OP can be updated accordingly.
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Re: About Mods in general/Finished mods

Post by mummy »

Now I'm not sure I want to continue making dungeons. I've been through this before in other games and know full well that whatever I make will most likely never be seen by anyone. Opinions can ruin anyone's chances of making a successful dungeon and when you mix in that learning process that tends to go with the territory most of us will never make a dungeon anyone will enjoy (unless some really brilliant person comes up with a clever way of displaying the work most of us sweat blood to make).

I'll probably end up making things for my parties to experience and simply take my brave adventurers to taste what is out there and hope for the best.

question: how the heck do you type text in a form that is not one long line of text when you use 'wall text'? I've searched and found many cryptic posts about what was working and what is not but never what you actually do. I'm sure I saw it in a tutorial but I can't remember and have no wish to go back through them again. thanks.
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Re: About Mods in general/Finished mods

Post by pinnguaq »

Mummy- Do you mean /n ? If you put /n in a sentence it will act as a "break", the same as pressing enter. At least, off the top of my head, that's what memory serves.
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Re: About Mods in general/Finished mods

Post by mummy »

pinnguaq wrote:Mummy- Do you mean /n ? If you put /n in a sentence it will act as a "break", the same as pressing enter. At least, off the top of my head, that's what memory serves.
yes thats what I mean but one of my searches said /n doesn't work anymore but I will try it. Thanks

edit: so far /p and /n don't work. I'm sure there is a simple solution but I'm missing it (like usual ) :D

edit 2: nm...simple hitting return was the answer. I'm hopeless!
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Re: About Mods in general/Finished mods

Post by msyblade »

A single review by ANYONE will not help you find a good mod to play. If billy reviews it, and he's all about looks and monster combat, and Dungeon "A" has lots of combat and pretty new textures,Billy writes a review of how much he loved it. But you enjoy the creepy intellectual thinker "B" style that Billy hated,and after reading his reviews you just dl the one he liked and skip the "B" dungeon he didn't care for (too slow paced or whatever) and are robbed of an awesome personal experience. Every dungeon needs 3 or 4 reviews from different types of players for both you and the modder to not be robbed of a great time.
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Re: About Mods in general/Finished mods

Post by Komag »

it's \n, not /n
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Re: About Mods in general/Finished mods

Post by Drachir »

Fixed link (original copy/paste method employed didn't work.. failure to test reprehensible)

http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/7656 ... pid=207170

msyblade... you are right, it is all about perception. The more people that give an opinion about whether a particular mod is 'good' or 'bad' lets you decide whether it is something that you think may be worth playing.

On the other hand, sometimes having too much information is a bad thing... better to just dive in and decide yourself whether something is 'good' or 'bad' :D
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Re: About Mods in general/Finished mods

Post by msyblade »

So true, in the time it takes to pour through multiple dungeons with multiple reviews, you really could have just downloaded 4 or 5 and had them in your LoG custom dungeon list to sort through anytime..."Keep... Keep.... Delete... Keep..." I think that would be my approach regardless of any review system.
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Re: About Mods in general/Finished mods

Post by spectre900 »

http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... d=96560636

this is an unfinished dungeon obv, only 5 levels are made but it has some (according to myself anyway) some decent mix of combat, loot, puzzles and secrets.

it started off as a test dungeon for a few puzzles (i'm sure some will recognize one of the first ones) and later expanded into an actual dungeon.

it's far from finished but without any feedback I don't know how to continue it.
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