[Dungeon] Mordor: Depths of Dejenol

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Re: [Dungeon] Mordor: Depths of Dejenol

Post by Wolfrug »

ElfBane wrote:I started a new party, worked my way back to the greenslime aboleth, defeated it... no green gem drop. I did this twice (i saved before battling the slime), no drop both times.

Resting in the City no longer CTDs. And I returned to the room the aboleth spawns, and it had respawned. Killed it,, no gem drop.
I am completely baffled. Has anyone else had this problem? The exact monster definition for the aboleth monster is as follows:

Code: Select all

	name = "aboleth",
	baseObject = "green_slime",
	health = 500,
	exp = 450,
	attackPower = 30,
	accuracy = 35,
	lootDrop = {100,"green_gem", 10, "iron_key"},
So it has a 100% of dropping a green gem, and a 10% chance of dropping an iron key. Whenever I kill it, it always drops the gem without fail.

Question: what about the other monsters? Do snails drop snail slices, herders herder caps? The elder herder clearly dropped an elder herder cap since you referred to it as such. Skeleton warriors: do they always drop both spear and shield, or is it slightly less common (in my modified loot table it's 75% for both, rather than 100% as in original Grimrock). Has a skeleton warrior ever dropped a key (5% chance)?

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Re: [Dungeon] Mordor: Depths of Dejenol

Post by Komag »

you can also just add the item to the placed monster in the dungeon
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Re: [Dungeon] Mordor: Depths of Dejenol

Post by ElfBane »

In this part of the code...
lootDrop = {100,"green_gem", 10, "iron_key"},

There is no space between the comma and "green_gem", but there is a space between the comma and "iron-key". Would that matter?
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Re: [Dungeon] Mordor: Depths of Dejenol

Post by Komag »

it could, little things like that sometimes make a big difference!
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Re: [Dungeon] Mordor: Depths of Dejenol

Post by Wilfrey »

Sorry if this is a stupid question or answered elsewhere, but I was wondering how you managed to pack rooms so closely together like in this screenshot?

http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/55870 ... 89CDA7555/

I was playing about with the dungeon editor for the first time last night and could not work out how to achieve this.. carving out the rooms makes such a layout impossible and the only props I could see to use as the "walls" were doors.

Hope this makes sense?

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Re: [Dungeon] Mordor: Depths of Dejenol

Post by Komag »

Yes, that person used all "secret doors" that just never open
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Re: [Dungeon] Mordor: Depths of Dejenol

Post by ElfBane »

To answer your question... yes I get loot drops from the other monsters. Skellys don't always drop both shield and lance though. Sometimes herders don't drop a cap, that sort of thing. I think maybe once a skelly dropped an iron key.
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Re: [Dungeon] Mordor: Depths of Dejenol

Post by Wolfrug »

Wilfrey wrote:Sorry if this is a stupid question or answered elsewhere, but I was wondering how you managed to pack rooms so closely together like in this screenshot?

http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/55870 ... 89CDA7555/

I was playing about with the dungeon editor for the first time last night and could not work out how to achieve this.. carving out the rooms makes such a layout impossible and the only props I could see to use as the "walls" were doors.

Hope this makes sense?

As Komag says, I simply used the dungeon_secret_door object. Note that you need to place a dungeon_pillar in most junctions to avoid unseemly graphical anomalies (especially in the corners). However if a door is already present its own 'pillars' suffice. This does cause a lot of problems, as you can't (among other things) add wall texts, alcoves or most other decorations (such as catacombs) that require 'depth'. You can add dungeon ivy and torch holders though, but you first have to add them to a real wall and then use w,a,s,d and q,e to move it into place.


I have no idea what's up with the non-drop of the green gem, since all the other custom loot tables seem to work. I'll remove the space in the next version, but as it consistently spawns for me I'm not really sure what's wrong and how I can fix it. Do the other bosses drop their gems? Sigh. Then again, all it really does is give your party some XP (1000xp to be precise) and an item (a bracer I think), so it's not THAT big of a loss. :-/ Let me know if the other bosses work, when you get there.

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Re: [Dungeon] Mordor: Depths of Dejenol

Post by Filipsan »

Strange, i thought that Aboleth is that crab on first level (he dropped his heart for me, oh how sweet of him :D)
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Re: [Dungeon] Mordor: Depths of Dejenol

Post by Wolfrug »

Filipsan wrote:Strange, i thought that Aboleth is that crab on first level (he dropped his heart for me, oh how sweet of him :D)
Ah. The...crab 'stone' :twisted: The reason why the crabs are so darned ornery all the time. Don't try to throw it or nothing now, it might break...

The crab is a random 'stud square' creature from the lower levels, as I explained above. The aboleth spawns in the southernmost room in the same corridor, but only about 40% of the time.

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