You know this game was built together with US airforce flight instructores, do you?^^ I played it for over a year or so, back in the day... well, actually I really started playing after a month... never had to put so much time into a game again... ever.
I didnt know for sure, but I knew whoever developed the game obviously had a vast knowledge of fighter jets and flying in general, and it really shows in the game itself. I think I will go back to it and do some dogfighting after ive had my Grimrock fix
"There are some who call me 'Tim' ?"
"...greetings, Tim the Enchanter."
Fnord wrote:
The most complex game I've ever tried to enjoy is Aurora. It is a game that makes Dwarf Fortress veterans cry because of its complexity...
Challenge accepted
Good luck! (And see you next spring)
WarBaby2 wrote:Falcom 4.0... 'nuf said.
I've played (though not mastered) Falcon 4.0, and at least compared to that game, Aurora wins by a wide margin in terms of overcomplexity & fiddlyness.
I find that there are a lot of games like this being sold these days. I think it's mainly because they are not planned properly, and are made up as they go along, basically just a bunch of patches.
Most cumbersome game I remember was Wizardry VI - 'Bane of the Cosmic Forge' on the Amiga 500. 11 floppy disks.
Problem was, that combat had to be fought to the end and could not just interrupted if a party member died. At later stages of the game with many enemies most fast way to reload a save was to make a reset, new boot of Amiga and then load of the program. (4 - 5 minutes each time, still faster then fight to the end).