Copy the "mod_assets" folder to your dungeon's directory found in Documents/Almost Human/Legend of Grimrock/Dungeons/ >your dungeon's name< / and let it merge with the "mod_assets" folder already there.
Now open mod_assets/scripts/ and you'll find a file named "wall_sets.lua". Open this with a text editor, such as notepad, and add the following script:
Looks damn nice mate. Absolutly love your floor light effect, the gobolin texture and cleaned up dragon statues. A very nice darker temple theme, although I do have some gripes with it...
The floor tiles, while very nice looking, tend to be a bit too busy all together and the small text on the wall texture doesn't tile well visually (As well as being visible upside-down on the lip of the glass windows), it's a touch too much, and seems out of place when used in hallways or the like. For the floors, I think defaulting to a blank center and having the little decorative symbols being placeable as floor decorations would be much cleaner looking.
The metal texture you used stands out a wee bit too much as well, making grates/randomized wall deco/etc stand out pretty badly against everything else.